Teller Report

Israeli official: Hamas's strength has put us in front of unprecedented challenges

2/19/2024, 5:10:35 PM

Highlights: Israeli official: Hamas's strength has put us in front of unprecedented challenges. Al-Qassam announced the destruction of more than 1,100 Israeli vehicles since the start of the aggression on Gaza. The security official refused to reveal the number of Israeli soldiers killed inside tanks or armored personnel carriers since the beginning of the ground maneuver, claiming that they were "still at war" The Israeli military official said that "the endless amounts of Hamas weapons" and the strength of the infrastructure were - certainly - a surprise to them.

An Israeli military official admitted that the amount of anti-tank weapons that Hamas fired at the occupation forces was surprising compared to any war they had witnessed in the past, and this indicates the extent of Hamas’ preparedness for this war.

Al-Qassam announced the destruction of more than 1,100 Israeli vehicles since the start of the aggression on Gaza (Israeli Army)

Occupied Jerusalem -

The head of the tank and armored personnel carriers production department in the Israeli Ministry of Security, Oren Geber, said that the arsenal of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the Gaza Strip presented the occupation army with unprecedented challenges, and that the army was surprised by the volume of fire, weapons and ammunition in the possession of the resistance factions. Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

During an interview with the Israeli economic newspaper Calcalist, Ghubir reviewed the losses incurred by the occupation army with military equipment and vehicles, stressing that the amounts of fire and rocket shells directed at the invading forces were unprecedented for the army in the past.

He pointed out that the resistance factions, led by the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, targeted the occupation forces with all combat means, missiles, and missiles that they had developed to be more lethal to the targeted military equipment, which put them before challenges that they had not encountered in any previous military operation.

He pointed out that the Israeli army deliberately conducted experiments on defensive systems on tanks and personnel carriers, and sought to develop defenses and military mechanisms that were within the scope of targeting Hamas rockets.

The occupation army refuses to reveal the number of people killed and wounded inside tanks and armored vehicles (Israeli army spokesman)

"A dangerous totalitarian mechanism"

The Israeli military official said that "the endless amounts of Hamas weapons" and the strength of the infrastructure were - certainly - a surprise to them, and that it is unimaginable the amount of anti-tank weapons that were fired at their forces "compared to any war we have witnessed in the past, and this indicates the extent of the preparedness." Hamas for this war.”

Regarding the main means through which Hamas is trying to target the invading occupation forces, Ghubair explained - in the interview - that a very large part of it is rockets and RPGs of different shapes and manufactures. They are rocket-propelled grenades controlled and maintained by a single person who uses underground infrastructure and a network of tunnels.

He pointed to the very important knowledge that the element gained from Hamas and the intelligence preparations it received, considering this a "dangerous totalitarian mechanism."

He added that a large part of these missiles have undergone developments and modifications for Hamas's goals, and they contain dual warheads, and the movement's members control their own operating mechanisms to launch rockets developed to target and strike the occupation's weapons from much shorter firing ranges.

The security official refused to reveal the number of Israeli soldiers killed inside tanks or armored personnel carriers since the beginning of the ground maneuver, claiming that they were "still at war."

Regarding the repercussions of the aggression on Gaza and the ongoing tensions with Hezbollah along the northern border, which led to an increase in the Israeli security budget for 2024, to more than 125 billion shekels ($35 billion), and the extent of the readiness of the occupation’s infrastructure to support the production of upcoming tanks and armored personnel carriers, he stated. They are awaiting final decisions on this issue.

Source: Al Jazeera