Teller Report

Is Algeria heading towards a postponement of the presidential election?

2/19/2024, 9:20:44 PM

Highlights: In Algeria, according to the Constitution, the presidential election should take place before December 19, the date of the end of the mandate of President Abdelmadjid Tebboune. But the declarations and indications make Algerians fear a scenario of postponing elections to 2025. The political climate remains uncertain and the Algerian media are not discussing the subject. Several political groups are stepping up to the plate and demanding political transparency in the election. The Algerian government maintains uncertainty over these elections.

In Algeria, according to the Constitution, the presidential election should take place before December 19, the date of the end of the mandate of President Abdelmadjid Tebboune. But the statements and clues…

Is Algeria heading towards a postponement of the presidential election?

In Algeria, according to the Constitution, the presidential election should take place before December 19, the date of the end of the mandate of President Abdelmadjid Tebboune. But the declarations and indications make Algerians fear a scenario of postponing elections to 2025. A situation which leaves the population perplexed even though until now, few political groups have openly addressed this issue.

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune delivering a speech during a signing ceremony at the pavilion of honor at Algiers airport, August 27, 2022 [Illustrative image]. AFP - LUDOVIC MARIN

By: Houda Ibrahim Follow


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Less than ten months before the Algerian presidential election, the political climate remains uncertain and the Algerian media are not discussing the subject. No specific date for the vote and the Algerian government maintains uncertainty over these elections. There is no debate, no declarations: “

It’s as if the subject was taboo

,” denounced Zoubida Assoul, president of the Union for Change and Progress (UCP), a few weeks ago.

Recently, it was the declarations of Abdelkader Bengrina, president of the movement for reconstruction (MPR), an ally of the government, which threw a wrench into the pond, thus creating controversy. As if to test the waters, he suggested that 

the “hypothesis

 ” of postponing the elections was on the table.

Another trial balloon, to prepare public opinion for a possible postponement, announced by Louisa Hannoune, general secretary of the Workers' Party (PT). She affirms that in view of the unstable regional situation, “

the conditions do not seem to be met to organize the vote



Abdelmadjid Tebboune

seemed to be heading straight for a second term but is now undecided. According to indiscretions, his entourage is divided on a new candidacy for his re-election. Several political groups are stepping up to the plate and demanding political transparency in the election.

Read alsoAlgeria: President Tebboune takes stock of his four years in power


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