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Guinea: the president of the transition announces the dissolution of the government

2/19/2024, 8:31:33 PM

Highlights: Guinea: the president of the transition announces the dissolution of the government. While waiting for the new government, it is the cabinet directors and general secretaries who are now responsible for handling current affairs. The government, in office until February 19, had experienced few changes since its appointment, a few weeks after the coup d'état of September 5, 2021. The junta, led by Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya, who took power at the end of September 2021, has ten months left to organize elections.

The Guinean government was dissolved on Monday by the transitional president. While waiting for the new government, it is the cabinet directors and general secretaries who are now responsible…

Guinea: the president of the transition announces the dissolution of the government

The Guinean government was dissolved on Monday by the transitional president. While waiting for the new government, it is the cabinet directors and general secretaries who are now responsible for handling current affairs. It was in a decree read on national television by a senior official of the junta, Brigadier General Amara Camara, that the announcement was made.

The president of the transition in Guinea, Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya, September 22, 2022. AP

By: RFI Follow


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With our correspondent in Conakry,

Matthias Raynal

The Minister Secretary General of the Presidency of


, facing the camera, surrounded by soldiers, read the decree for a little over three minutes on Monday evening, February 19. The main information: all ministers lose their responsibilities and it is therefore the cabinet directors, general secretaries and their deputies who will manage current affairs until the establishment of a new government. 

The government, in office until February 19, had experienced few changes since its appointment, a few weeks after the coup d'état of September 5, 2021. Important portfolios have changed hands such as the Ministry of Justice or even of Health for example, but there had not yet been any major reshuffle.

At the head of government since July 16, 2022, Bernard Goumou replaced Mohamed Béavogui who had to officially leave office for health reasons. At the start of the September school year, there were already rumors that Bernard Goumou was in the hot seat. 

Elections to be organized before the end of the year

The new team will have a lot to do in any case. The junta, led by Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya, who took power at the end of September 2021, has ten months left to organize elections and transfer power to civilians, according to the timetable concluded with ECOWAS. 

Guinea is experiencing a deep political crisis, with dialogue between the authorities and political parties having never been able to be re-established. Furthermore, on the social front, the sources of discontent are significant: there is the high cost of living but also the restrictions which have hit the Internet since November and finally the recurring power cuts which have caused, in recent weeks , several demonstrations in Conakry.

Read alsoGuinea: an announcement of a putsch attempt which raises questions


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