Teller Report

Gérald Darmanin rewards the police officers who intervened during the Arras attack

2/19/2024, 2:42:11 PM

Highlights: The nine police officers who intervened in the attack were awarded the Legion of Honor. The officers had been called to the scene of the attack, where a man was shot dead. The man's body was later found to be that of a young man who had been killed by a bomb. The police officers were honored with the medal for their bravery and for their work in preventing the attack from happening again. They were also awarded the Medal of Honor for their efforts in the fight against the terrorist attack.

The nine police officers who intervened to arrest Mohammed Mogouchkov, the radicalized young man who had just killed Professor Dominique Bernard in Arras, were decorated by Gérald Darmanin this Monday. The minister presented them with the "medal of courage and dedication", elevating six of them to the rank of knight of the Legion of Honor.

Europe 1 with AFP / Photo credits: Denis Charlet / AFP 3:37 p.m., February 19, 2024

The nine police officers who intervened to arrest Mohammed Mogouchkov, the radicalized young man who had just killed professor Dominique Bernard in Arras, were decorated by Gérald Darmanin this Monday. The minister presented them with the “medal of courage and dedication”, elevating six of them to the rank of knight of the Legion of Honor.

The Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin distinguished, Monday in Arras, the nine police officers who intervened “at the risk of their lives” to control a radicalized young person who had just killed professor Dominique Bernard, on October 13, 2023, at the Gambetta high school. Brigadier-chief, peacekeepers or deputy police: during a ceremony in the courtyard of the prefecture in Arras in Pas-de-Calais, the minister presented them with the “medal of courage and dedication”, elevating six of them to the rank of knight of the Legion of Honor.


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“You neutralized the terrorist, you prevented the assassination from turning into a killing, you protected and rescued teachers, agents, children at the risk of your life,” declared the minister, addressing the police. , "hero of Arras", in white uniform, in the presence of their families.

Police officers “proud” to receive this decoration

The minister returned to this morning of October 13: at 11 a.m., "the 17th received a frightened call mentioning a terrorist who had entered the Gambetta high school" and "which mentioned victims, knives, a murderer still in the courtyard ". At 11:04 a.m., “two emergency police crews and a group of local police arrived. The terrorist rushed at the police, screaming his hatred, brandishing the blades,” said Gérald Darmanin.

Controlled after two electric pulse gun shots, handcuffed, "it was 11:09 a.m. when he was taken into custody", recalls the minister. “A teacher is dead, there are wounded, blood, terrorized young people, screams, tears, a city in mourning, a nation affected,” recalled Gérald Darmanin, referring to “Islamist barbarity”.

For Brigadier-Chief David Buzyn, one of the police officers made a knight of the Legion of Honor, "it is not easy to receive all the merits after what happened on the day of the tragedy, but we We accept it, we are proud of it.” Five months after the attack, he said he and his colleagues were marked by "the scenery they discovered when they entered the school, the blood, the injured." Mohammed Mogouchkov, 20, was indicted and imprisoned by an anti-terrorism investigating judge four days after the attack which he claimed in the name of the Islamic State (IS) organization.