Teller Report

Feijóo believes that Galicia gives him the "recipe" to reach La Moncloa: "Concentrate the vote to send sanchismo to irrelevance"

2/19/2024, 7:20:45 PM

Highlights: Feijóo believes that Galicia gives him the "recipe" to reach La Moncloa: "Concentrate the vote to send sanchismo to irrelevance" Alfonso Rueda believes that "Galicia has sent a very clear message to Spain" "We won because we govern for everyone, because we tell the truth, honestly, and because we are the party that most resembles Galicia," he stressed. "I can't think of a better way to celebrate two years at the head of the PP than with RuedA's honorary registration"

"Galicia is a model for Spain. Galicia has sent a message to the rest of Spain." Which? "Concentrate your vote on the PP, we will stop the independence movement and...

Juanma Lamet Madrid


Updated Monday, February 19, 2024-19:23

"Galicia is a model for Spain. Galicia has sent a message to the rest of Spain." Which? "Concentrate the vote on the PP, we will stop the independence movement and send Sanchismo to the most absolute irrelevance." This is the main conclusion reached by the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, after the regional elections on Sunday, in which Alfonso Rueda comfortably revalidated the absolute majority of the

popular party

. "This is the recipe," he summarized.

Feijóo shared this Monday with the president of the Xunta the success of his party. At the Board of Directors of the Galician PP, held in Santiago de Compostela, the leader of the opposition to Pedro Sánchez has boasted of the "five consecutive majorities", something that "does not occur in any region of Europe." "We won because we govern for everyone, because we tell the truth, honestly, and because we are the party that most resembles Galicia," he stressed.

For the president of the PP, who has seen his leadership bolstered by Rueda's victory in elections that were planned nationally, the Government comes out hurt from the Galician polls, because the PSdeG has "crashed" and Sumar has fallen into the "irrelevance". "And everything, he has continued his speech, to" save "the Presidency of the Government and continue in La Moncloa.

Feijóo has then taken the opportunity to settle scores, after the criticism he has suffered during the campaign: "We have won over all the manipulations, all the insidiousness and all the mud. We have won over those who wanted this to be a leadership plebiscite. The Government "I wanted to make these elections an electoral problem for the PP, but our party won and the PSOE crashed, and Díaz is in the most intense political irrelevance."

"I knew perfectly well that I was going to be judged if the PPdeG did not obtain the absolute majority, but I have participated in 40 events," he continued, and verified that there was "a voracious appetite to demonstrate what the PPdeG is about." , has added.

For Feijóo, on Sunday the transformation of Alfonso Rueda into a powerful baron of the PP was definitively completed: "A baron with all the letters and with an absolute majority. Therefore, be very careful with him." "I can't think of a better way to celebrate two years at the head of the PP than with Rueda's honorary registration," he said, referring to the fact that two years have passed since Pablo Casado's resignation.

Wheel, without 100 days of courtesy

In his speech, Rueda thanked Feijóo for "adding" to his victory, and made a resounding diagnosis about the meaning of the results: "The people have already spoken. No wall was raised, fortunately. We suffered continuous attacks and they loved us "to do harm simply for electoral gain. They tried to conspire to make everything impossible for us, but we overcame those difficulties."

Aware that the opposition will not give him any respite, Rueda has said that "I do not want the 100 days of courtesy that are given to any Government." "We are going to work from the first moment," he stressed.

The acting president of the

Like Feijóo, Rueda believes that "Galicia has sent a very clear message to Spain." "When there were all kinds of theories, wishes and predictions, yesterday we clearly said that Galicia put the brakes on Pedro Sánchez and his nationalist partners. And we said that we neither want nor admit blackmail, we want equality between all the communities of Spain," he stressed. . "We want dignity for Galicia above all, and that is what we are going to defend," he concluded.