Teller Report

DRC: demonstration in Goma to denounce the support of Western powers for Rwanda

2/19/2024, 6:00:43 PM

Highlights: DRC: demonstration in Goma to denounce the support of Western powers for Rwanda. The country is accused of intervening militarily on Congolese soil with the M23 rebels. Several flags, including those of the United States and France, were burned on Monday February 19 at the Signers roundabout in downtown Goma, in eastern DRC. These are the flags of “ countries complicit with Rwanda ”, assure the organizers. The demonstration ended at the end of the morning in Muganga, at the gates of the city Goma,. about ten kilometers from the front line.

In Goma, in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), several dozen demonstrators gathered on Monday, February 19, to denounce the support of Western powers for Rwanda.…

DRC: demonstration in Goma to denounce the support of Western powers for Rwanda

In Goma, in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), several dozen demonstrators gathered on Monday February 19 to denounce the support of Western powers for Rwanda. The country is accused of intervening militarily on Congolese soil with the M23 rebels. In their sights, the United States and France.

Demonstration in Goma, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, this Sunday, February 19, 2024, to denounce the support of Western powers for Rwanda, a country accused of intervening militarily on Congolese soil with the M23 rebels. AFP - GUERCHOM NDEBO

By: RFI Follow


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With our special correspondent in Goma,

Coralie Pierret

Several flags, including those of the United States and France, were burned on Monday February 19 at the Signers roundabout in downtown Goma, in eastern DRC. These are the flags of “

countries complicit with Rwanda

”, assure the organizers. “

They are the ones who finance our enemies

,” explains Patrick Ricky Paluku, of the Veranda Mutsanga pressure group, referring in particular to European Union investment programs for Kigali.

The objective of the rally was also to say “

no to possible future negotiations

” between the Congolese government and the M23 rebels, continues Félicien Tumusifu of the citizen movement “The Voice of the Marginalized”.

Finally, for the organizers it was a question of putting pressure on the Congolese government so that it gives the order to launch offensives because for the moment, the M23 rebels still control part of North Kivu.

The demonstration ended at the end of the morning in Muganga, at the gates of the city Goma, about ten kilometers from the front line.

Read alsoDRC: Goma airport attacked, the Congolese army accuses Rwanda


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