Teller Report

Before coalition considerations, CDU leader Friedrich Merz calls for actions instead of interviews from the FDP

2/19/2024, 3:20:51 PM

Highlights: CDU leader Friedrich Merz calls for actions instead of interviews from the FDP. FDP is currently in government with the SPD and the Greens. General Secretary Bijan Djir-Sarai is making advances to the CDU. Merz once again “completely” ruled out collaboration with the AfD.  Merz emphasized that the Union wanted to become the strongest force again in the federal election, independent of everyone else.. The FDP continues to bear responsibility for the results of this government.

Although the FDP is currently in government with the SPD and the Greens, General Secretary Bijan Djir-Sarai is making advances to the CDU. Union boss Merz is unimpressed. The FDP must first be able to ensure a mathematical majority.

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CDU leader Friedrich Merz: “We will go into the federal election campaign without a coalition statement”

Photo: Liesa Johannssen / REUTERS

But not so quickly: CDU leader Friedrich Merz reacted cautiously to signals from the FDP for a possible black-yellow government alliance. »The FDP must use its own resources to ensure that we have a mathematical majority in the next federal election. Then we could talk to each other,” said Merz after meetings of the CDU’s top committees in Berlin. "But until then, the FDP is a member of a federal government that is otherwise made up of Social Democrats and the Greens." The FDP continues to bear responsibility for the results of this government. If she wants to change something, she not only has to give interviews, but also follow up with actions.

In view of the ongoing coalition conflicts, FDP General Secretary Bijan Djir-Sarai once again called for an alliance with the Union. "I am firmly convinced that a civil coalition of the CDU, CSU and FDP would be able to not only properly analyze the country's problems together, but also actually find solutions together," he told the "Bild am Sonntag" newspaper. . The FDP is currently at four percent in surveys.

CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann responded to Djir-Sarai and offered the Liberals a coalition. »It is undisputed that we as a Union have the greatest overlap in content with the FDP. With the FDP, a bourgeois policy could most easily be implemented," said Linnemann.

SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühnert, on the other hand, called on the FDP to take a constructive course in the traffic light coalition. "We have concluded a coalition agreement in order to take responsibility together," said Kühnert on Monday. »The topics of these days (…) should encourage every actor in the traffic light to use their entire working time to fix these problems and not to dream of a distant future that one might hope to be better than Reality appears to you.«

CDU without coalition statement in the election campaign

Merz emphasized that the Union wanted to become the strongest force again in the federal election, independent of everyone else. "We will go into the federal election campaign without a coalition statement." They then want to have the options that enable the greatest possible number of political decisions. »I support what the FDP is doing with sympathy. But she has to find the strength to actually do it herself.”

The CDU leader made it clear whether the CDU would take the FDP into consideration in the election campaign, for example, also depends on their weakness or strength at the given time. "If we see that the FDP is practically threatened with another exit from the German Bundestag, then we will also address the FDP voters accordingly." But it is simply too early to say anything about that.

With regard to CSU leader Markus Söder's recent rejection of a black-green alliance, Merz said that he and Söder shared the assessment of the Greens' current policies. Otherwise, after the election, the Union will work with those with whom there is the greatest possible degree of agreement. “And our freedom of action is not restricted.” Merz once again “completely” ruled out collaboration with the AfD. “This may also apply to others who might appear in this area.”
