Teller Report

Alexei Navalny: Pussy Riot protest in front of the Russian embassy in Berlin

2/19/2024, 3:50:34 PM

Highlights: Several hundred people demonstrated in solidarity with Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny in Berlin. Activists from "Pussy Riot" also protested in front of the Russian embassy. According to Russian information, Navalny collapsed in the “Polarwolf” prison last Friday and ultimately died. The Russian opposition newspaper Novaya Gazeta now reports that Navalny's body was taken to the district hospital in the city of Salekhard in northern Siberia. The presidential election is taking place in Russia in mid-March.

“Putin is a killer” was written on a large banner: In Berlin on Sunday, hundreds remembered the late Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny. Activists from “Pussy Riot” also protested in front of the Russian embassy.

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“We’re not giving up!”

Putin the murderer, Navalny the victim. On Sunday, several hundred people demonstrated in solidarity with Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny in Berlin.

Birgit Steinhäuser, demonstrator

»The death of Navalny affected me personally very much. I think many others do too, because he stands for the resistance in Russia and for the opposition. A very important man died with him.”

Yekaterina Gulina, demonstrator

»The most important thing is that no one forgets Alexei Navalny. That's what scares me the most. We must take every step to ensure that the whole world talks about the fact that Putin killed Navalny, that Navalny was killed in a Russian prison.”

Also at the protest in front of the Russian embassy: the feminist opposition group “Pussy Riot”. On the banner the word “Убийцы”, in German: murderer.

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, co-founder of “Pussy Riot”

“I think Putin sees Navalny as a powerful rival. It is a big loss for the Russian opposition. It will now be very difficult for us to stick together. Because regardless of whether you loved Navalny or not - there were people who disagreed with him on many things - he was our leading figure. People have aligned their positions, tactics and political views with what Navalny said and did.”

Meanwhile, this scene occurred in Saint Petersburg on Sunday: masked men removing flowers laid down in Navalny's memory. The presidential election is taking place in Russia in mid-March. Vladimir Putin is likely to remain in power. In advance, disturbing impressions such as laying flowers for Navalny should apparently be prevented.

A short time later this happens: a man and a woman lay down flowers again. A small act of resistance that can be severely punished in Putin's Russia. According to civil rights groups, more than 400 demonstrators have been arrested in the past few days.

The Russian opposition newspaper Novaya Gazeta now reports that Navalny's body was taken to the district hospital in the city of Salekhard in northern Siberia. An autopsy has not yet taken place. According to the report, Navalny's body is said to have bruises. A bruise on the chest is said to be an indication that resuscitation attempts were actually made. The information cannot yet be confirmed.

According to Russian information, Navalny collapsed in the “Polarwolf” prison last Friday and ultimately died.