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After classifying them as a terrorist group...a ​​Houthi leader told Al Jazeera Net: Our response will be in the Red Sea

2/19/2024, 8:20:46 PM

Highlights: After classifying them as a terrorist group...a ​​Houthi leader told Al Jazeera Net: Our response will be in the Red Sea. Hizam al-Assad: The American classification comes to try to dissuade us from supporting and supporting our people in Gaza. Al-Assad presents his group's point of view on these issues, and emphasizes their firm position on the Palestinian issue, and their rejection of any solutions that do not fully meet the rights of the Palestinian people.

Hizam al-Assad, a member of the political bureau of the Houthi group, threatens the United States and its allies with “many surprises” if they try to escalate and provoke the Yemeni people, stressing that the operations in the Red Sea are a response to the aggression against Gaza.

Member of the Houthi Political Bureau, Al-Assad Belt: The American classification comes to try to dissuade us from supporting and supporting our people in Gaza (Al-Jazeera)

Sanaa -

In light of the escalation of tensions in the region, and the United States’ classification of the Ansar Allah group (Houthis) as a terrorist organization, Al Jazeera Net is conducting an exclusive dialogue with Dr. Hizam al-Assad, a member of the political bureau of the Houthi group, to find out their position on various issues, from their classification as a terrorist organization, to The course of the war in Yemen, the negotiations with Saudi Arabia, and their position on the Palestinian issue.

In this dialogue, Al-Assad presents his group's point of view on these issues, and emphasizes their firm position on the Palestinian issue, and their rejection of any solutions that do not fully meet the rights of the Palestinian people.

Below is the text of the interview:

  • How do you view the United States’ decision to classify the group as a terrorist organization, which took effect on Friday, February 16?

Regarding the classification of Ansar Allah as a terrorist group, we affirm that this classification is a response to the American administration, as it is the true source of terrorism.

The United States was founded on the skulls and corpses of Native Americans, the indigenous people of America, and it was the one that dropped the atomic and nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, leaving criminal and brutal fingerprints everywhere.

This classification comes in the context of political blackmail to try to dissuade us in the Republic of Yemen from supporting our people in Gaza. However, the United States will not succeed in this endeavor, as the positions of the Yemenis stem from their firm belief in the justice of the Palestinian cause and the oppression of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

These positions also stem from our human values ​​and morals, in light of the brutal massacres and genocide committed by the Israeli army with the support, support and partnership of America, Britain and the entire West.

Accordingly, our military operations will continue in the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, and the Gulf of Aden, as well as in the Israeli depths, with ballistic missiles, winged cruise missiles, and drones, until the Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip stops and the siege is lifted.

  • Do you fear the escalation of the confrontation with the United States and Britain, especially after the American classification?

We are not afraid of the escalation of the confrontation with the United States and Britain, especially after the American classification of Ansar Allah as a terrorist group, and it will not deter us from supporting Gaza. Rather, it is America that should be afraid and concerned, as we are steadfast in our land and adhering to our just and just causes, relying on God, and on our people who stand up. With courageous stances through millions of marches and demonstrations.

We add to this the courageous, bold and sincere positions of our leadership on the path to supporting our people in Gaza.

America's position is one of weakness, and it resorted to this classification after losing its trick, after using all political and military means, enticement and intimidation, targeting Yemen's sovereignty and bombing some areas in the Republic of Yemen.

  • Do you think that the ongoing military confrontation in the Red Sea and the American strikes on Yemeni cities will stop if a ceasefire agreement is reached in Gaza?

We will continue to target Israeli ships in the Red Sea until the aggression against Gaza stops. As for our military operations against American ships and interests, they will continue until the Yemeni people obtain their right to a legitimate and guaranteed response, especially since the United States and Britain have dared to target the Yemeni people and their sovereignty, and our leadership is the one who decides when and where. How will this battle end? The American is the one who started it, but we in Yemen will decide the end of this battle.

As for the rules of engagement, the United States wanted to impose rules that it deems appropriate and appropriate for itself and its military nature in the region, but we, our leadership and our armed forces are the ones that impose the rules of engagement, and see them as a deterrent in this regard.

  • In light of the rules of engagement, there are Yemeni sources who said that you will move from the stage of fire warning of ships to direct strikes and sinking. Will this be a next stage after the war in Gaza?

Most of the strikes carried out by our naval forces are in the process of warning and alerting ships not to pass through the Red Sea or reach the Israeli enemy entity. Therefore, we find that the Israeli enemy, America and Britain resort to bringing in teams of sailors of different nationalities to manage their ships, and raise the flags of other countries and we are aware of this. The command.

The next stage may witness a remarkable escalation through the expansion of the rules of engagement, or through specific operations in which we target American and British interests and ships.

  • How do you respond to those who say that your attacks in the Red Sea have even affected Yemen, especially the entry of commercial ships into the ports of Hodeidah, which will reflect negatively on citizens in terms of rising prices and economic repercussions on the Yemeni people?

The Yemeni people have been suffering from an unjust siege for 9 years, and only some shipments have been allowed to enter on a regular basis.

The United States is now trying to impose a comprehensive blockade on Yemen, believing that it will affect the arrival of shipments, but this will not go unanswered.

We have guaranteed procedures and responses in the event of a comprehensive blockade, and we will respond to any American attempt to influence the arrival of shipments to Yemen.

Despite the siege, there is still normal movement in the port of Hodeidah, as well as in the Red Sea, back and forth to all destinations, except for the Zionist enemy and the ports of occupied Palestine.

There are some companies that have been subject to American and British dictates, and as a result, many companies face threats and threats from the US Navy that their ships will not pass through the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, and head to the Cape of Good Hope instead.

Some American and British battleships are trying to take shelter in commercial ships and launch missiles from their vicinity until they are hit by our missiles, and until the circle of war expands and deviates from its framework, which is to support the Palestinian cause, confront Israeli ships, and prevent them from crossing the Red Sea.

  • There are international demands from some American, European and even Arab countries to establish a Palestinian state on the basis of the 1967 borders within the principle of the two-state solution. What is your position?

We embrace the issue of Palestine from the sea to the river, and it is a just and right issue. It does not concern the Palestinians alone, but rather it is an issue that concerns the nation in general. Although there were concessions, more than these concessions were made not only through initiatives or paths of normalization, but through Under and above the table, and unfortunately there is a state of disgraceful and shameful abandonment by some Arab regimes.

As for our brothers in the resistance movements and the Palestinian people, they certainly do not accept humiliation or humiliation, nor do they have their lands cut off. There is a large portion of the refugees in the camps in Gaza and the West Bank, and in many diaspora areas in the world, who are children of Palestine that entered the country in 1948. Therefore, no religion or International laws allow the people of Palestine to be displaced and expelled, and a sector of settlers from all over the world to be brought in to occupy their land.

  • Does this mean that you do not accept the Arab initiative “Peace for Land” approved by the Beirut Summit in 2002?

We do not accept the path of normalization that some regimes are trying to promote in accordance with American dictates and pressure.

The Israeli entity, or the Zionists in general, only see the principle of force, and this is proven in reality, and in the Holy Qur’an and our Qur’anic methodology, these Jews and the usurpers of the land of Palestine are only deterred by the path of force, jihad, resistance, sacrifice, and valor.

As for the issue that the Zionists will give up land they occupied or offer something like that, that will not happen, and no settlement path will happen in the region, especially since we are facing those whom God has said are elements of evil, hostility, and corruption, and who do not expect anything from a believer without any obligation.

  • Your support for the resistance in Gaza and preventing ships from crossing the Red Sea has increased the popularity of the Houthis in Yemen, the Arab world and the world. Can this be exploited internally and in the political settlement and peace processes?

Our positions are based on our Qur’anic principles of faith, and they are an integral part of our methodology in Ansar Allah.

We in Yemen are a people with a faith identity, and our adoption of the Palestinian cause is a major foundation for us, and we only aspire to do so to please God - Glory be to Him - and support our people in Gaza.

Because the Palestinian cause is honorable, it enjoys a lot of presence and welcome inside Yemen, and at the Arab, Islamic and humanitarian levels. This in itself must be paid attention to by the Arab and Islamic regimes, and we say to them: The honorable positions lie in adopting the oppression of the Palestinian people.

As for our paths inside Yemen, we are in favor of peace and coexistence among us Yemenis in general, and across the various Yemeni parties and political components. We have been on this path from the beginning, before the aggression was launched against us.

The former UN envoy to Yemen, Jamal Ben Omar, confirmed - in his statements and briefing to the UN Security Council - that the Yemenis were almost on the verge of signing an agreement to end the crisis before the aggression was launched against us. We are still on the path to internal settlement, as well as societal and political partnership.

  • Didn't the events taking place in Yemen, the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden affect the political settlement efforts between your group and the Yemeni government, and the mediation efforts led by Saudi Arabia and the UN envoy Hans Grundberg?

Of course, the United States has arms in the region, and there is American pressure that seeks by all means to pressure us to stop our support for our people in Gaza, whether through what it hinted at, that it will fail any political settlement in Yemen, which is shameful and disgraceful not only against it, but also against its regional and local tools.

  • Aren't you afraid that events will escalate? Perhaps America and Britain will resort to escalation, especially on the Yemeni coast, by moving Yemeni forces to control the Yemeni coast on the Red Sea, to deprive the Houthis of a very important outlet and artery?

We start from our capabilities and strength that God has bestowed upon us on the popular, faith and armament levels, and through what our armed forces possess in the field of military industrialization and production, especially fourth and fifth generation weapons, especially in ballistic and cruise missile systems and various types of unmanned aerial vehicles and naval missiles. It was targeted with high precision, very large and superior capabilities, long ranges, and great destructive capabilities.

There are many surprises that will await the enemy if he tries to escalate or increase his provocation against the Yemeni people, the leadership and the Yemeni army.

 Are there Arab or Islamic countries that supported your position of preventing the passage of Israeli ships in the Red Sea?

Let the question be: Are there Arab and Islamic countries that opposed our positions? There are none yet.

Was there an official position from Djibouti supporting the position of Ansar Allah in the Red Sea?

Even the countries that are aligned with the enemy entity, we have not noticed any position opposing our military operations in the Red Sea to confront Israeli ships or those heading to the ports of occupied Palestine, or to confront, confront and respond to American arrogance, but on the general level there are generally supportive positions from the Arab and Islamic peoples.

The Djiboutian position is commendable, especially in the context of its refusal of the US administration to install missile launching pads, or to use Djibouti as a launching pad for targeting Yemen, and this is a positive thing and they are thankful for it.

  • Have the talks between your group and Saudi Arabia reached a dead end, or are there future prospects, especially in light of the statements of the Saudi Foreign Minister that what is happening in the Red Sea is linked to what is happening in Gaza?

As for the negotiation processes with the Saudi side, they are continuing, and there are positive and tangible steps, and we hope that the situation will reach an imminent agreement, God willing.

Regarding linking what is happening in the Red Sea to what is happening in Gaza is a logical and realistic matter, and this is indeed what happened, as our operations in the Red Sea did not occur until after the events in Gaza, which is what Mr. Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi spoke about.

Source: Al Jazeera