Teller Report

Activists supporting people unfairly forced to work in illegal fishing file suit in Tokyo

2/19/2024, 10:10:47 PM

Highlights: "IUU" fishing refers to fishing that is illegal and not reported accurately. It depletes marine resources and forces crew members to work under unfair conditions. Patima Tampchayakul, a Thai national who works to rescue crew members working in poor conditions, held a press conference at the Japan National Press Club. According to the Fisheries Agency, Japan is the world's fourth largest importer of seafood, and said, if the government and companies properly track and manage where the fish is caught, it will contribute to the problem of IUU fishing.

[NHK] As fishing called "IUU fishing", which does not follow international rules, becomes a problem in various parts of the world, we are working to save people who are being forced to work unfairly...

IUU fishing, which does not follow international rules, is becoming a problem in many parts of the world, and a Thai aid worker who is working to save people who are unfairly forced to work held a press conference and said, I want you to think about the kind of person who caught the fish in front of you."

"IUU" fishing refers to fishing that is illegal and not reported accurately, and is a problem in many parts of the world as it depletes marine resources and forces crew members to work under unfair conditions. It has become.

Patima Tampchayakul, a Thai national who works to rescue crew members working in poor conditions, held a press conference at the Japan National Press Club and appealed for improvements to the current situation.

Patima said that in Southeast Asia, crew members were recruited from impoverished areas, and ``many of them were not given enough food or wages, were subjected to violence, and many were unable to contact their families, making them what could be called modern-day slavery.'' did.

According to the Fisheries Agency, Japan is the world's fourth largest importer of seafood, and said, ``If the government and companies properly track and manage where the fish is caught, it will contribute to the problem of IUU fishing.'' I want people to think more about where the fish in front of them came from and who caught them."