Teller Report

LINE user information and other information leaks expand to more than 510,000 LINE Yahoo!

2/14/2024, 11:09:05 AM

Highlights: LINE Yahoo has revealed that approximately 440,000 items of LINE user information, including information published in November 2023, are suspected to have been leaked. The company says it is taking measures to prevent recurrence, including strengthening information management. In November of last year, LINE Yahoo, a South Korean IT company called Naver, released information on LINE users, saying that a company it outsourced to had suffered a cyber attack, and that LINE Yahoo's system had also been accessed illegally. The number of suspected leaked information has expanded to approximately 519,000.

[NHK] LINE Yahoo is suspected of leaking approximately 440,000 LINE user information, which was announced in November 2023, and...

LINE Yahoo has revealed that approximately 440,000 items of LINE user information, including information published in November 2023, are suspected to have been leaked, and the number has expanded to more than 510,000. The company says it is taking measures to prevent recurrence, including strengthening information management.

In November of last year, LINE Yahoo, a South Korean IT company called Naver, released information on LINE users, saying that a company it outsourced to had suffered a cyber attack, and that LINE Yahoo's system had also been accessed illegally. It has been announced that approximately 440,000 items are suspected to have been leaked.

According to the company, a subsequent investigation revealed that 79,110 items of personal information, including personal information of LINE users and business partners, were suspected of having been leaked.

As a result, the number of suspected leaked information has expanded to approximately 519,000.

Additionally, new unauthorized access via another Korean outsourced company was also confirmed.

In addition to strengthening information management at subcontractors, the company is taking measures to prevent recurrence, including strengthening authentication for access to employee systems.

LINE Yahoo said, ``We once again sincerely apologize for causing a great deal of inconvenience and concern to our users and related parties, and we take this situation very seriously and will work to prevent it from happening again.'' is.