Teller Report

The trial for the plug of the chief inspector's daughter ends with the conviction of a head of the Education service

2/12/2024, 1:24:20 PM

Highlights: The trial for the plug of the chief inspector's daughter ends with the conviction of a head of the Education service. The person convicted of prevarication and falsification of documents is the retired head of service Carmen Liébana. Her father, Alberto Moreno, was for many years one of the most powerful officials within the Seville Education Delegation. He resigned when the Ministry was forced to open an internal investigation and dismissed two heads of service who had put their signature on the doctored file of Anaís Moreno.

The controversial case uncovered by EL MUNDO about the plug as a teacher in a public center of Anaís Moreno, the daughter of a chief inspector of Education, has been closed this...

Silvia Moreno Seville


Updated Monday, February 12, 2024-14:08

  • Sevilla To the bench for hooking up the chief inspector's daughter

The controversial case uncovered by EL MUNDO about the plug as a teacher in a public center of

Anaís Moreno

, the daughter of a chief inspector of Education, was closed this Monday in the Seville Court with a conviction and three acquittals.

The person convicted of prevarication and falsification of documents is the retired head of service

Carmen Liébana

, who has acknowledged that she doctored a document in the file on the illegal hiring of Anaís Moreno for a teaching position. Her father,

Alberto Moreno

, was for many years one of the most powerful officials within the

Seville Education Delegation.

He resigned when the Ministry was forced to open an internal investigation and dismissed two heads of service who had put their signature on the doctored file of Anaís Moreno to hide the fact that he did not meet the requirements required to occupy a position, for two years, in an adult center in the

Polígono Sur de Sevilla


In the dock, along with Carmen Liébana, sat the person who was then provincial delegate of Education,

Francisco Díaz Morillo

(PSOE), the beneficiary of the contract herself, Anaís Moreno, and the head of service

Luis Manuel Sanchís.

Initially, the prosecutor accused them of prevarication, but at the end of the trial this Monday, he rectified and requested acquittal for the three. This has caused the accusation brought by the Ustea union to also withdraw the charges that were initially brought against them.

Given the withdrawal of the accusations against these three defendants, the defense lawyers have shown their agreement and the president of the court of the Fourth Section of the Court that tried them has issued a sentence

in voce

in which only the former chief has been convicted. of service Carmen Liébana and has acquitted Díaz Morillo, Sanchís and Anaís Moreno.

Carmen Liébana has been sentenced to

a year and a half in prison

, a fine of 540 euros and a year of special disqualification for public office or employment for falsifying the file document on Anaís Moreno and a fine of 360 euros and six months of suspension from employment. and salary for prevarication and a year and a half in prison. The sentence is lower than that initially requested because the prosecutor has noted

"undue delays"

due to the time that has passed since the events occurred.

Ustea's lawyer has admitted that they have closed the case with a bittersweet feeling, since there are people involved in the irregularities that occurred in the Education Delegation who have

gotten away with it

, starting with Anaís Moreno's father and former head of the inspection. In the investigation phase, the union repeatedly requested that he be summoned both as an investigator - previously accused - and as a witness, but the judge never ignored his requests.

In any case, Ustea sees it as positive that, after more than eight years, there is finally a ruling - which is now


because all parties have agreed not to appeal it - that certifies that irregularities and rigging occurred in the Education Delegation for hooking up the daughter of the chief inspector, as proven by the conviction of the former head of service. The sentence may also serve teachers


have been


by the irregular hiring of Anaís Moreno, as explained by Ustea.

For the lawyer of the acquitted territorial delegate,

Juan Carlos Alférez

, from the Constitución 23 law firm, a litigation firm, "both our client and his lawyers are enormously satisfied with the completion of the process with the withdrawal of the accusation."

"We have always vehemently defended the innocence of our client and finally, after a long journey, said innocence has finally been confirmed. Since a judgment of acquittal was issued

in voce

and the parties expressed their intention not to appeal, as we say, the presumption of innocence "It becomes a declaration of full innocence as the

sentence is final

," Alférez remarked.

The director of a center

The convicted service chief has alone admitted all irregularities. Thus, she has confessed in the trial that she knew that Anaís Moreno did not meet the requirements for the position and that she prepared a document to try to justify her irregular appointment. According to her testimony, it was "the director of an educational center," whose name she has not mentioned, who gave her the name Anaís Moreno. She has maintained that the rest of the defendants had no


in the manipulation of the file.

For her part, Anaís Moreno has alleged that she thought she did meet the requirements for the position she was granted and that she was working for the Commissioner of the Polígono Sur de Sevilla. She did not renew in the Delegation's job board because Liébana told her,

by mistake

, that it was not necessary.

Meanwhile, former delegate Díaz Morillo has maintained that he was not aware of "anything" related to the irregular hiring of Anaís Moreno and that his signature appears on the hiring of this teacher because that is what happens with the

more than 5,400 teacher appointments

that occur. in September at the beginning of the school year, without him having the option to review whether each and every one of them met the requirements. His signature was "scanned and

automatically appeared

on the appointments," he has defended.

Díaz Morillo's family,

Europa Press

reports , has indicated that the accusation against the former delegate "should never have come" to trial, has complained about the "political persecution" he has suffered and the "damage" caused throughout this years. "Not everything goes," they have remarked.