Teller Report

The PP proposes to change the law so that the National Court takes over the investigation of the drug traffickers of Cádiz

2/12/2024, 1:13:34 PM

Highlights: The PP proposes to change the law so that the National Court takes over the investigation of the drug traffickers of Cádiz. The eight detained for the death of the two civil guards, greeted with shouts of "murderers" and "criminals" upon arriving at the courts. "Tomorrow Marlaska cannot sit in the Council of Ministers. I would fail to fulfill my obligation as head of the opposition if I did not ask for the minister's dismissal," says Feijóo.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo visited Barbate (Cádiz) this Monday to show solidarity with the Civil Guard after the murder of two agents at the hands of drug traffickers last...

Juanma Lamet Madrid


Updated Monday, February 12, 2024-14:06

  • Justice The eight detained for the death of the two civil guards, greeted with shouts of "murderers" and "criminals" upon arriving at the courts

  • Interior Members of the elite group against drug trafficking that Marlaska deactivated were activated to arrest 'El Cabra', from the 'El Francés' clan

Alberto Núñez Feijóo visited

Barbate (Cádiz)

this Monday to show solidarity with the Civil Guard after the murder of two agents at the hands of drug traffickers last Saturday in the town's port. From there, the president of the PP has proposed a legal reform so that it is the National Court that takes on this case and all those related to the trafficking of derogations in this area and in the bordering region of

Campo de Gibraltar


The main opposition party demands "to transfer those particularly serious summaries to the National Court, which has the means and experience against

kale borroka

, against terrorism and against organized crime", as announced by the leader of the PP. After hearing the testimony of the anti-drug prosecutor and her complaints about the lacerating lack of resources against these criminals, Feijóo has demanded that the cases be elevated so that "they are treated by magistrates who have experience in these acts." And for this, an article of the

Organic Law of the Judiciary

would be reformed


In an appearance before the media - in which, in the midst of the controversy over the conditional pardon for Puigdemont, he did not admit questions "out of respect" for the deceased -, Feijóo stressed that his party has been "warning for too long of the absence of troops " in the zone. "And we have been demanding for a long time that the Campo de Gibraltar and [the rest of] the province of


be declared an area of ​​special singularity

, with more resources, more material, more remuneration benefits and more surveillance."

The president of the PP has complained that the


have been asking for a "special security plan" since the end of 2018. "And these protests have been continuously neglected" from

La Moncloa

. "It is a black spot for the


and the Civil Guard, but unfortunately the Government has not paid attention to them," he added.

That is why now the Popular Parliamentary Group will present its "special security plan" in Congress and the

Upper House

. "And I assure you that we are going to approve it, because in the Senate we have an absolute majority. And the senior officials of the Ministry and the members of the Government who have a direct or indirect relationship will appear, but we are not going to forget about Barbate, because it is spearhead and it seems that the State has renounced exercising its powers in an area of ​​Spain".

Furthermore, Feijóo has criticized that, after the "dangerous event" of seeing some civil guards trying to control "a series of criminals with large boats from a zodiac", no member of the Executive has "set foot" in Barbate to show solidarity. "And the president, on the night of mourning, went to a movie gala," he criticized. "Tomorrow Marlaska cannot sit in the Council of Ministers. I would fail to fulfill my obligation as head of the opposition if I did not ask for the minister's dismissal," he concluded.