Teller Report

The 6F farmers announce a change in their strategy and will take the animals to the streets: "Let's see if the Government hits them too"

2/12/2024, 1:14:10 PM

Highlights: The 6F farmers announce a change in their strategy and will take the animals to the streets: "Let's see if the Government hits them too" The protests, which have been going on for a week in different parts of Spain, will continue in the coming days. "The guard is not going to be lowered, the brave man who wants to collapse the roads should do it," the lawyer has warned. The organization demands that the Government sit down and listen to them, even if they do not recognize them as an official platform.

The spokesperson and legal advisor of the 6F Platform, which is celebrating a week of mobilizations in the streets, announced this Monday a change in the movement's strategy. According to...

Cristina Alonso Madrid


Updated Monday, February 12, 2024-13:55

The spokesperson and legal advisor of the 6F Platform, which is celebrating a week of mobilizations in the streets, announced this Monday a change in the movement's strategy. According to

Xaime da Pena

, from this moment on they will take the animals to the demonstrations. "From today there are animals all over Spain walking along the roads," he said at a press conference held in Madrid.

Da Pena has denounced the actions of the police this Saturday and has assured that the agents had a direct order from the Ministry of the Interior and the head of the portfolio, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, to "

forcefully hit the heads of the elderly

." "And that in a democratic country cannot be allowed," he stated.

Given these actions, which caused 60 injuries, it has also been announced that the Platform is going to denounce the Ministry of the Interior at the national level and before the European Court of Human Rights. They are also studying

denouncing the State Security Corps and Forces

, after 6F spokesperson, Lola Guzmán, attacked the police this Saturday. "

The ETA killed you very little

," she came to say.

These words from Guzmán already had a reaction this Monday from the National Police, which has decided

to denounce the leader of the 6F Platform for an alleged hate crime

for wishing that the terrorist group ETA had killed more police officers, according to reports. could confirm


. According to Da Pena, Guzmán uttered "a hot sentence" and is "repentant."

The spokesperson and advisor of Platform 6F, Xaime Da Pena.Fernando AlvaradoEfe

Da Pena has now advanced a complaint to the contrary and has accused the Government of acting in an "incongruent" and "contradictory" manner and of causing "the erosion of the organization." "The President of the Government himself has spoken that the mobilizations are legitimate, but Marlaska's directives are to hit the farmers," he stressed.

The organization demands that the Government sit down and listen to them, even if they do not recognize them as an official platform. And he calls for the resignation of the Minister of the Interior due to the police action on Saturday in the capital. In addition to taking legal action against the Government and the police, Da Pena has announced that the ranchers have begun to take the animals out onto the streets this Monday. "We are forced to guarantee physical integrity," he justified. And he has insisted: "Let's see if the Government hits the animals...

4,000 sheep from Castilla La Mancha are very complicated to stop


"The guard is not going to be lowered, the brave man who wants to collapse the roads should do it," the lawyer has warned. The protests, which have been going on for a week in different parts of Spain, will continue in the coming days.