Teller Report

SVR: the US and Britain fear betrayal by the Kyiv elite

2/12/2024, 12:53:53 PM

Highlights: SVR: the US and Britain fear betrayal by the Kyiv elite. This was stated by the director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Sergei Naryshkin. “And such fears are completely justified - the first ones have already started,” he noted. According to the SVR, the United States and Great Britain are trying to convince other countries participating in the G7 of the need to establish the post of special envoy for Ukraine. The envoy will have constant access to Vladimir Zelensky.

The United States and Great Britain fear betrayal by the Kyiv elite.

This was stated by the director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Sergei Naryshkin. His words are quoted by the SVR press service.

According to him, the West fears that many representatives of the Kyiv elite may go over to the side of Russia in advance.

“And such fears are completely justified - the first ones have already started,” Naryshkin noted.

The director of the Foreign Intelligence Service added that when discussing the topic of appointing a special envoy for Ukraine in the West, they took into account the fact that in the context of the increasingly difficult situation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the front, difficulties with mobilization and delays in receiving Western military assistance, many residents of Ukraine began to realize the inevitability of that Moscow will achieve its SVO goals.

According to the SVR, the United States and Great Britain are trying to convince other countries participating in the G7 of the need to establish the post of special envoy for Ukraine, who will have constant access to Vladimir Zelensky.