Teller Report

Abascal toughens his attack on Feijóo and accuses him of "defrauding and lying to the Spaniards": "They don't catch us for even a second considering an amnesty"

2/12/2024, 1:03:52 PM

Highlights: Abascal toughens his attack on Feijóo and accuses him of "defrauding and lying to the Spaniards": "They don't catch us for even a second considering an amnesty" Vox takes advantage of the confusion that shakes the Popular Party to toughen its criticism of Alberto Núñez Feijo after learning that the opposition leader would be willing to propose a pardon "with conditions" to Carles Puigdemont. "The feeling of fraud in Galicia is very great," asserted the Vox leader to counter those who say the amnesty has little influence on politics.

Vox takes advantage of the confusion that shakes the Popular Party to toughen its criticism of Alberto Núñez Feijóo after learning that the opposition leader would be willing...

Vicente Coll Madrid


Updated Monday, February 12, 2024-13:41

  • Politics Genoa's slip with the "pardon" puts PSOE and Vox in the electoral campaign and puts the PP on alert: "It's a bad time"

  • Galicia Feijóo tries to stop criticism from left and right: "I said and say no to amnesty and pardons because the conditions are not met"

Vox takes advantage of the confusion that shakes the Popular Party to toughen its criticism of Alberto Núñez Feijóo after learning that the opposition leader would be willing to propose a pardon "with conditions" to

Carles Puigdemont

. In the final stretch of the Galician campaign, Santiago Abascal relied on these revelations this Monday to accuse Feijóo of "swindling and lying to the Spaniards" by being against the amnesty, and defended Vox as the only party that defends the State of law in our country: "We are not willing to lie to the Spanish people.

"Of course, they don't catch us in a meeting with Junts, they don't catch us for a single second proposing an amnesty law, and they don't catch us setting conditions for absolutely unacceptable pardons," attacked the president of Vox against Génova after the press confirmed this weekend that the PP studied for 24 hours the option of an amnesty law that, with numerous requirements, would allow the support of Junts to invest Feijóo.

An unlikely scenario, since it would have been impossible for the PP to simultaneously collect the votes of the independence movement and Vox, a party that by statute is prohibited from agreeing with nationalist and separatist formations. The information known in the last few hours is "serious" and "surprising", defined Abascal, and reveals the "ignorance" that the PP has of how Basque and Catalan nationalism works, which continually subjects the two main formations to blackmail. policies.

What's more, Abascal blamed Feijóo, whom he called "Mr. Fuentes of the PP", for the consequences that these revelations may have on the electoral result in


, where next Sunday the PP is playing to revalidate the


in the face of the strongest nationalism. of the last decades. "The feeling of fraud in Galicia is very great," asserted the Vox leader to counter those who say that the amnesty has little influence on politics and public opinion in this territory.

"Completely illegal"

For this reason, Abascal removed the PP from defending the general interest of the Spanish people - despite sharing with the


numerous autonomous and municipal governments - for "caressing", after "needing 24 hours to study the amnesty law and realize which was completely illegal", the possibility of an investiture "with some type of transfer" and "confirming that they are in favor of pardons with conditions" after meeting with "a coup party" last summer. "Things depending on how they are said can be understood in one way or another," he reproached Feijóo after learning these details, which Vox knew before its publication on Saturday night.

With less than a week until


, Vox uses this controversy to emphasize its singling out of the PP for its proximity to the PSOE despite criticizing its roadmap, based on the amnesty, for months. Those from Abascal accuse Feijóo of demonstrating on weekends against the concessions to the independence movement but during the week agreeing on numerous issues with the PSOE, such as the distribution of commission presidencies, the constitutional reform or the renewal of the



"We are not the ones who agreed on constitutional reform with Pedro Sánchez, nor those who shared the presidency of the




committees with Sánchez, nor those who want to reform the Judiciary with Sánchez. We are not the ones who talk to the separatists in the same way that Sánchez and Feijóo do," Abascal responded to the accusations launched this Monday from the PP that denounced the clampdown between the PSOE and Vox to try to discredit the party that governs Galicia just a few days before the elections in this territory, where the polls draw a scenario of maximum equality between the PP and the sum of leftists led by the BNG, while Vox for now is left out of the options to obtain a seat.