Teller Report

A UN rapporteur accuses Israel of violating the orders of the International Court of Justice

2/12/2024, 11:44:00 AM

Highlights: U.N. Special Rapporteur on Palestine, Francesca Albanese, accused Israel of violating the orders of the International Court of Justice regarding the Gaza Strip. Albanese said that Israel appears to be violating the decisions issued by the court on January 26. She said that she does not agree with the interpretation of some human rights activists and Israel that the aforementioned acts are not prohibited “as long as Israel commits them without genocidal intent” Since last October 7, Israel has been waging a devastating war on Gaza Strip that has left tens of thousands of civilian victims.

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Palestine, Francesca Albanese, accused Israel of violating the orders of the International Court of Justice regarding the Gaza Strip.

The International Court of Justice ordered Israel to take measures to prevent genocide against the Palestinians (French)

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Palestine, Francesca Albanese, accused Israel of violating the orders of the International Court of Justice regarding the Gaza Strip.

Albanese said, in her statement to the British newspaper The Guardian, that “Israel appears to be violating the decisions issued by the International Court of Justice on January 26, which require it to take the necessary steps to protect the rights of the Palestinians and avoid all measures that could constitute the crime of genocide.”

She said that she does not agree with the interpretation of some human rights activists and Israel of the judicial orders announced by the International Court of Justice that the aforementioned acts are not prohibited “as long as Israel commits them without genocidal intent.”

The UN rapporteur explained that the International Court of Justice ruled that Israel must refrain from all acts that could constitute the crime of genocide.

Later, Albanese published her interview with The Guardian on her account on the “X” platform, stressing that Israel is obligated to respect the court’s decisions, and countries must move decisively to prevent further injustice.

In late 2023, South Africa filed a case with the International Court of Justice, accusing Israel of failing to fulfill its obligations under the 1948 Genocide Convention.

On January 26, the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to take measures to prevent genocide against Palestinians and improve the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to the court's decision by saying that Tel Aviv "will continue the war" on Gaza, adding that the court "did not ask Israel to cease fire."

Since last October 7, Israel has been waging a devastating war on the Gaza Strip that has left tens of thousands of civilian victims, most of them children and women, in addition to an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe and massive destruction of infrastructure, which led to Tel Aviv appearing before the International Court of Justice on charges of “ Genocide".

Source: Anadolu Agency