Teller Report

“There is a great modernization potential”: how Russian armored vehicles are being improved

2/12/2024, 6:33:48 AM

Highlights: State tests of the newest protected special-purpose vehicle ZA-SpN “Titan” are being completed. The vehicle is equipped with a combat module consisting of a 30 mm cannon, a 7.62 mm machine gun and a Konkurs ATGM, and in addition, has high ballistic and mine protection. The Titan was created on the basis of the "Typhoon" armored car with a 4 × 4 wheel arrangement. The key feature of the machine is the complete import substitution of all components.

In Russia, state tests of the newest protected special-purpose vehicle ZA-SpN “Titan” are being completed, said Alexander Zakharov, General Director of Remdizel JSC. The vehicle is equipped with a combat module consisting of a 30 mm cannon, a 7.62 mm machine gun and a Konkurs ATGM, and in addition, has high ballistic and mine protection. The Titan was created on the basis of the four-wheeled Typhoon vehicle. According to experts, this technology optimally combines such qualities as security, maneuverability, and the ability to install various equipment and fire weapons.

General Director of Remdizel JSC Alexander Zakharov spoke about the imminent completion of state tests of the newest protected special-purpose vehicle ZA-SpN “Titan”.

“The basic chassis of the Titan armored vehicle family is at the finish line of state tests in various modifications and has already been tested in practice,” Zakharov said in a commentary to TASS.

“Titan” became known to the general public after its presentation at the World Defense Show in Riyadh, which took place from February 4 to 8. A sample with a remotely controlled combat module (RCM) was demonstrated in the capital of Saudi Arabia.

“This MRAP (Mine resistant ambush protected. - RT

) class vehicle

has high ballistic and mine protection. It has excellent prospects in the Middle Eastern market, including due to the possibility of installing foreign-made combat modules on it,” Rosoboronexport said.

"Unpretentious to use"

"Titan" was created on the basis of the "Typhoon" armored car with a 4 × 4 wheel arrangement.

The key feature of the machine is the complete import substitution of all components.

As reserve lieutenant colonel and military expert Oleg Shalandin said in a conversation with RT, “Titan” is in fact a further development of the “Typhoon” family, which had great modernization potential.

  • ZA-SpN "Titan" with a remotely controlled combat module at the World Defense Show 2024

  • RIA News

  • © Nina Padalko

“Designers have two decisions: either to modernize the machine itself, which is mass-produced, or to make a slightly new one, but with different properties. “Titan is just the second option,” explained Shalandin.

According to Rosoboronexport, the armored vehicle is manufactured in the configuration of a pickup truck with a load-bearing armored hull. At the same time, the Titan has mine protection equipment - a V-shaped bottom and anti-traumatic seats.

“Modular armor protection can be changed at the customer’s request: additionally armored or mesh (lattice) screens are installed. Independent suspension, a diesel engine, a centralized tire inflation system, a winch and air conditioning provide high maneuverability and the proper level of comfort when driving over rough terrain,” says Rosoboronexport materials.

The Titan's combat module includes a 30-mm 2A42 automatic cannon, a 7.62-mm machine gun and a Konkurs ATGM. This weapon allows you to hit various targets at a range of up to 2 thousand m.

The Titan's curb weight is no more than 13.65 thousand kg, its load capacity is no more than 1.45 thousand kg, and its engine power is 350 hp. s., maximum speed - at least 100 km/h, cruising range based on control fuel consumption - 800 km.

According to experts interviewed by RT, the main advantages of the Titan are its well-proven base chassis and the use of exclusively Russian components in production.

Let us remind you that the Typhoon is a whole family of armored vehicles for the Russian armed forces. One of them is Typhoon-K53949. Last year, state tests of the updated version of this machine, which received a new name - “Phoenix,” were completed.

The modernization consisted of import substitution of all Typhoon-K53949 units. The improved armored vehicle is designed to transport military personnel and various cargoes. 

  • Armored car "Typhoon" in the Northern Military District zone

Based on the Typhoon-K53949, Remdizel specialists designed the Lenza ambulance. The vehicle is equipped with three seats for the crew and six folding seats for the wounded and mounts to accommodate up to four stretchers.

“Lens” has combined armor protection consisting of ceramics and steel. The vehicle is also equipped with armored glass that can withstand hits from any small arms ammunition.

“The design of the crew seats, chassis and bottom of the hull of the Typhoon-K armored car allows it to withstand a mine explosion with a power of up to 8 kg of TNT equivalent. Even if one of the wheels is damaged, the armored car can travel about 50 km over rough terrain,” notes the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Another popular modification of the Typhoon family is a vehicle for the Airborne Forces. This vehicle has a remotely controlled combat module (RCCM) of a 30 mm automatic cannon and a coaxial 7.62 mm machine gun. A modern fire control system allows the ARBM to detect and hit various types of targets at any time of the day.

The main structural difference between the landing vehicle and the basic version of the family is the armored hull, which has increased rigidity and strength. It protects paratroopers from small arms fire, shell fragments and explosive devices.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Typhoon-VDV is used in the Northern Military District zone. The vehicle is used to suppress enemy firing points during the assault on strongholds of Ukrainian militants.

According to retired Colonel Anatoly Matviychuk, the Typhoon can be called “the most successful development” in the Russian military automotive industry.

“In my opinion, the Typhoons combine well such qualities as security, maneuverability, and the ability to install various equipment and fire weapons. In addition, “Typhoons” are unpretentious in operation and have an independent suspension that prevents mine explosions,” Matviychuk explained in a commentary to RT.

"In-demand technology"

As experts note, the SVO served as an incentive to modernize the fleet of armored vehicles of the Russian Armed Forces and create new models. In addition to the Typhoons, the latest Z-STS Akhmat and Spartak armored vehicles have high combat capabilities.

The armored car Z-STS "Akhmat" (protected special vehicle) was created after the start of the SVO by Remdizel specialists in just 25 days. The vehicle has a frame structure and a 6 × 6 wheel arrangement. It can accommodate up to ten crew members and can be adapted for the use of Kord and Pecheneg heavy machine guns, surveillance and communications systems.

  • Armored car in the Northern Military District zone

  • RIA News

  • © Alexey Mayshev

The main advantage of Akhmat is its decent protection and unusually high production speed. According to the developer, this model is produced seven to ten times faster than the Typhoons. The main consumers of cars are units formed in Chechnya.

As the head of the republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, previously stated, “Akhmat” was created taking into account the wishes and experience of the Northern Military District soldiers. It is a maneuverable vehicle capable of moving quickly in urban environments “with maximum safety for personnel.”

After the start of the special operation, the Spartak family of cars was developed. At the moment, two versions are presented to the general public: the four-wheeled AMN-590951 and the six-wheeled AMN-590911.

The first vehicle was first announced at the Army 2022 forum. It was developed on the basis of the VPK-Ural multi-purpose armored car, which can accommodate up to nine military personnel, the total weight is 14.5 tons, the speed is more than 100 km/h, and the range is 1 thousand km.

The passenger compartment of AMN-590951 is protected from 14.5 mm caliber bullets, the rest of the hull is protected from 12.7 mm ammunition. The bottom and wheels can withstand the explosion of an explosive device with a power of up to 6 kg of TNT. The vehicle is equipped with a turret with a Kord machine gun.

The Spartak's six-wheeled armament consists of a 57-mm S-60 anti-aircraft gun with 144 rounds of ammunition. The gun allows you to hit air targets at low and medium altitudes, as well as unprotected and lightly armored vehicles at a range of up to 7 km.

According to Oleg Shalandin, the experience of the SVO allows the Russian industry to create more advanced armored vehicles for transporting troops, the wounded, cargo, command and control, striking and conducting reconnaissance.

“Armored vehicles are a very popular vehicle in the Northern Military District zone. They are used to perform a wide range of tasks. Moreover, the special operation suggested the need to increase the number of vehicles carrying remote mine clearance equipment,” Shalandin noted.

  • Armored car "Spartak"

  • RT

  • © Alexey Zakvasin

Anatoly Matviychuk shares a similar point of view. According to the expert, the main directions of modernization of armored vehicles are strengthening mine defense, as well as improving driving performance and means of protection against UAVs.

“Our designers are faced with a difficult task - to maintain a balance between armor protection and speed capabilities. At the same time, we see that the security of our armored vehicles is enhanced due to design changes and devices for combating drones, that is, without a serious increase in weight and loss of maneuverability,” Matviychuk concluded.