Teller Report

In Moldova, farmers suspended protests for negotiations with the authorities

2/11/2024, 9:13:33 AM

Highlights: Moldovan farmers suspend protests until February 13 in order to discuss the current situation in the industry. Farmers met with the chairman of the Cahul district, Pavel Groza, and with government representative Igor Shevchenko. Earlier, more than 30 tractors blocked the road at the Leuseni border post on the Moldovan-Romanian border. If the demands of the farmers are ignored, they will come to Chisinau with agricultural machinery, says protest leader Adrian Istrati.

One of the protest leaders, Adrian Istrati, said that Moldovan farmers decided to suspend the protests until February 13 in order to discuss the current situation in the industry with the head of parliament and the leader of the ruling Action and Solidarity Party, Igor Grosu.

According to him, after several days of peaceful protests, farmers met with the chairman of the Cahul district, Pavel Groza, and with government representative Igor Shevchenko.

“We expressed our demands and were told that some farmers will have a meeting with the chairman of parliament on Tuesday. We are suspending the protests until Tuesday and will make a decision on what will happen next,” TASS quotes him as saying.

At the same time, he emphasized that if the demands of the farmers are ignored, they will come to Chisinau with agricultural machinery.

Earlier, more than 30 tractors blocked the road at the Leuseni border post on the Moldovan-Romanian border.