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Elementary particles newsletter: The reading recommendations of the week from the SPIEGEL science editorial team.

2/10/2024, 9:43:44 AM

Highlights: SPIEGEL science editor Marco Evers offers his recommendations for the week. What we are facing is a technical and social revolution that can only be compared with the invention of printing. “Humans and machines can achieve great things together,” says communication scientist Miriam Meckel. In Paris, parking for heavier cars is set to become significantly more expensive; in Germany, climate campaigners are letting the air out of the tires of city off-road vehicles at night. The anger towards this type of vehicle seems quite exaggerated, says Nils-Viktor Sorge.

Rampant machine intelligence, dying black holes and the unjust anger against the SUV: The reading recommendations of the week from the SPIEGEL science editorial team.

What we are facing is a technical and social revolution that can only be compared with the invention of printing. That's what communication scientist Miriam Meckel says, who my colleagues Johann Grolle and Martin Schlak met for the SPIEGEL interview. Where the journey will take us - to a new level of civilization or to the middle of the high-tech version of hell - has not yet been decided. It is also up to you and me and what rules we will enforce when dealing with the rampant machine intelligence.

“Humans and machines can achieve great things together,” says Meckel. She sees a lot of need for creativity and real “organic thinking,” as she says, in the future, because computers can’t really do that. Before long, the language models on the computers will have read everything there is on the Internet, and from this raw material they will derive all the answers to all the questions. Accordingly, there is a risk of a certain intellectual blandness: “We will experience a permanent rumination of existing things,” says Meckel. »From a lyrical perspective, global incest will begin in 2026.«

I highly recommend this enlightening SPIEGEL conversation to you; we all have to find or maintain our place in the new world of machines. Many professions will fundamentally change, and managers in particular are at risk. Other jobs are less so, plumbing for example: "There is not yet," says Meckel, "any robot with the most sophisticated AI in the world that can repair toilets."


Your Marco Evers

I also recommend you:

Toxic sunscreen?

High levels of a health-damaging chemical were found in numerous urine samples in Germany. The search for the origin of the material is like detective work. Now there is a first suspicion.

Genetic engineering? Yes, please!

Certain genetically modified plants should in future be treated in the EU in the same way as conventional breeding. It is a decision long overdue, writes my colleague Philip Bethge.

Success in nuclear fusion:

researchers achieved a “world record” in an experiment. The European project could be a breakthrough on the long road to an ideal energy source.

Delays, disruptions, failures:

the German rail network is at its limit. Can self-driving trains solve some of the problems?

Rebirth in space:

Italian astrophysicist Carlo Rovelli explores how black holes die. He thinks they're turning into white holes - buzzing around us and holding galaxies together.

Supposed superfood:

It is said to reduce inflammation, prevent cancer and even help against Alzheimer's. The trendy yellow spice turmeric is said to have miraculous things - but also bad side effects. What's true and what's not? Five questions and answers. 

Second look for Tesla:

In Grünheide, Brandenburg, the manufacturer of electric cars wants to quadruple production figures and expand the company premises. The residents fear for the groundwater.

SUV enemy image:

In Paris, parking for heavier cars is set to become significantly more expensive; in Germany, climate campaigners are letting the air out of the tires of city off-road vehicles at night. The anger towards this type of vehicle seems quite exaggerated, says Nils-Viktor Sorge.

Happiness in poor countries:

Sustainability researcher Eric Galbraith and his team asked people in 19 countries how satisfied they are with their lives. His results prove once again: money is not everything.

Picture of the week

Neurotechnology in the head:

Researchers at Tsinghua University in Beijing have implanted a brain-computer interface into the skull of a man who has been paralyzed for 14 years. It helps capture electrical activity in the brain, which is then sent to an external computer via a wireless connection. It converts the signals into movement commands for a robot hand. The patient received the implant at the end of October - he can now apparently eat and drink independently.

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