Teller Report

The weather is fine in most parts of the country and the temperature is rising. There are heavy foggy weather in North China, Jiangsu, Anhui, Jianghan, Sichuan Basin and other places.

2/9/2024, 12:42:29 AM

Highlights: The weather is fine in most parts of the country and the temperature is rising. There are heavy foggy weather in North China, Jiangsu, Anhui, Jianghan, Sichuan Basin and other places. After February 10, the average temperature in most areas of the central and eastern regions will rise to close to normal or higher. On the 10th and 11th, there were heavy to heavy snowfalls in the mountainous areas of northern Xinjiang. There will be light rain in some areas in the southwestern Sichu Basin, southeastern Yunnan, the western and southeastern coasts of Guangxi, Hainan Island, Taiwan Island.

  China News Service, February 9. According to the website of the Central Meteorological Observatory, in the next three days, there will be no significant precipitation in most of the country. The weather will be mainly sunny to cloudy, and the temperature will gradually rise. From the morning to the morning of the 9th, there was heavy fog in some areas of central and southern Hebei, western Shandong and other places, with localized thick fog with visibility less than 500 meters; in addition, on the 9th, central and southern North China, central and western Huanghuai, Jianghuai, Jianghan, and Fen Atmospheric diffusion conditions in places such as the Wei Plain are average, with light to moderate haze and severe haze in some areas.

Most of the country has fine weather and rising temperatures

  In the next three days, there will be no significant precipitation in most parts of the country. The weather will be mainly sunny to cloudy, and the temperature will gradually rise. After February 10, the average temperature in most areas of the central and eastern regions will rise to close to normal or higher.

  In addition, on the 10th and 11th, there were heavy to heavy snowfalls in the mountainous areas of northern Xinjiang. Among them, there were local heavy or extremely heavy snowstorms in the high-altitude areas of Altay.

There is haze in the central and southern parts of North China, Huanghuai, central and western parts, and other places. There is heavy fog in North China, Jiangsu, Anhui, Jianghan, Sichuan Basin and other places.

  From the morning to the morning of the 9th, there was heavy fog in some areas of central and southern Hebei, western Shandong and other places, with localized thick fog with visibility less than 500 meters; in addition, on the 9th, central and southern North China, central and western Huanghuai, Jianghuai, Jianghan, and Fen Atmospheric diffusion conditions in places such as the Wei Plain are average, with light to moderate haze and severe haze in some areas. On the 10th, affected by the cold air, the atmospheric diffusion conditions in the above-mentioned areas gradually improved.

  In addition, from the 9th to the 11th, there will be winds of magnitude 4 to 6 and gusts of magnitude 7 to 8 in the eastern part of Northwest China, North China, Huanghuai and other places, and the temperature will drop by about 4℃ in some areas; on the 9th, western Inner Mongolia, northern Gansu, Ningxia and other places will have Some areas in central and northern Xinjiang and the southern Xinjiang Basin are experiencing blowing sand or dust.

Domestic detailed forecast for the next three days

  From 08:00 on February 9 to 08:00 on February 10, there was light to moderate snow or sleet in parts of northern Xinjiang, southern Sichuan Plateau, northeastern Inner Mongolia, eastern Heilongjiang, and northern Shanxi. There will be light rain in some areas in the southwestern Sichuan Basin, southeastern Yunnan, the western and southeastern coasts of Guangxi, southwestern Guangxi, Hainan Island, Taiwan Island and other places. Parts of eastern Qinghai, Hexi of Gansu, central and western Inner Mongolia, north-central Shanxi, Liaodong Peninsula, Shandong Peninsula, and the eastern coast of Zhejiang have winds of magnitude 4 to 6. Parts of central Tibet have winds of magnitude 6 to 7.

National precipitation forecast map (08:00 on February 9th - 08:00 on February 10th)

  From 08:00 on February 10 to 08:00 on February 11, there was light to moderate snow or sleet in parts of northern Xinjiang, southern Sichuan Plateau, northeastern Inner Mongolia, and northern Shanxi. Among them, there was heavy snow in the high-altitude areas of Altay, Xinjiang. (5~9 mm). There will be light rain in parts of the southern Sichuan Basin, central and southern Yunnan, southern Jiangsu, most of Shanghai, and most of Taiwan Island. There are level 4 to 6 winds in parts of southern Tibet, central and eastern Inner Mongolia, northern Shaanxi, central and southern Shanxi, central Hebei, Liaodong Peninsula, Shandong Peninsula, and the eastern coast of Zhejiang.

National precipitation forecast map (08:00 on February 10th - 08:00 on February 11th)

  From 08:00 on February 11 to 08:00 on February 12, there was light to moderate snowfall in parts of northern and western Xinjiang and northwest Heilongjiang. Among them, heavy to heavy snowfall occurred in parts of the high-altitude areas of Tacheng and Altay, Xinjiang. Heavy local snowfall (20-28 mm). There will be light rain in some areas in the southern Sichuan Basin, central and southern Yunnan and other places. Some areas in central and eastern Inner Mongolia, Liaodong Peninsula, Shandong Peninsula and other places have winds of magnitude 4 to 6. Among them, some areas in southern Tibet have winds of magnitude 6 to 7.

National precipitation forecast map (08:00 on February 11th - 08:00 on February 12th)