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Sino-Singapore Health丨Rare skin diseases are prone to recurrence, experts remind standardized diagnosis and treatment is the key

2/9/2024, 8:33:31 AM

Highlights: In China, about 1 to 2 people per 100,000 people are sick with generalized pustular psoriasis. The disease can recur or be persistent, accompanied by liver and kidney damage, and can be life-threatening due to secondary infection and organ failure. There are many causes of the disease, and drugs, infections and genetic mutations may all be the triggers. Innovative targeted biological agents for the treatment of adults with generalized Pustular Psoriasis have been prescribed for the first time.

  China News Service, Guangzhou, February 9 (Reporter Cai Minjie) The whole body is covered with pustules. It hurts and itches during the attack, and I can't sleep peacefully all night... The "culprit" causing all this is the generalized pustular type. Psoriasis (GPP), a rare skin disease. Professor Chen Yongfeng, chief expert and chief physician of the Department of Dermatology at the Dermatology Hospital of Southern Medical University, said in Guangzhou recently that such patients are very serious, have recurring attacks, and are even life-threatening. Patients need active treatment, standardized treatment, and reasonable long-term control of the disease. .

  Chen Yongfeng introduced that generalized pustular psoriasis is a rare but serious skin disease. The patient's skin will widely erupt into pus-filled blisters (pustules), which are painful and may be accompanied by systemic symptoms such as high fever. . At the same time, generalized pustular psoriasis can recur or be persistent, accompanied by liver and kidney damage, and can be life-threatening due to secondary infection and organ failure. Due to the high heterogeneity of generalized pustular psoriasis and insufficient awareness of the disease, patients often face misdiagnosis or missed diagnosis.

  In China, about 1 to 2 people per 100,000 people are sick. In my country, the prevalence of generalized pustular psoriasis shows a "bimodal" distribution: the first peak prevalence is between 0 and 3 years old; the second peak prevalence is between 30 and 39 years old.

  There are many causes of the disease, and drugs, infections and genetic mutations may all be the triggers. "Part of it is hereditary, and part of it is infections caused by improper treatment, such as seeking quack doctors and messing around with people. These will aggravate the condition," Chen Yongfeng said. There are many biological agents currently used to treat psoriasis, but most of them are used to treat plaque psoriasis.

  As a relapsing or recurring rare skin disease, the conventional treatment methods for generalized pustular psoriasis are not precise enough and cannot control recurrences. At the same time, they are prone to causing major side effects, which has a negative impact on the patient's physical, mental and financial well-being. To bear the burden. Therefore, more precise and safe drugs are urgently needed.

  On January 1, the new version of the National Medical Insurance Drug Catalog was officially implemented. Innovative targeted biological agents for the treatment of adults with generalized pustular psoriasis have been prescribed for the first time in many places across the country after being reimbursed by medical insurance. "Now that we have drugs specifically targeted at the onset of pustular psoriasis on the market, the treatment problems have been solved, which is indeed great news for some patients." Chen Yongfeng said.

  What symptoms indicate the need for immediate medical attention? The "Generalized Pustular Psoriasis Patient Education Manual" points out that the occurrence of widespread pustules and other systemic symptoms without warning may indicate the onset of generalized pustular psoriasis, such as widespread erythema, pain, etc. pustules and dry scales; the person may feel extremely tired, have muscle weakness, and joint pain. They may also feel chills, nausea, or have a loss of appetite.

  "Although generalized pustular psoriasis cannot be completely cured, it can be controlled through standardized treatment, reduce the frequency of attacks, and improve the patient's quality of life." Chen Yongfeng said that on weekdays, you can follow the general psoriasis process to protect yourself. , for example, keep warm in winter, don’t drink alcohol or eat a high-protein diet in summer. If you originally had psoriasis, you should go to a regular medical institution for treatment in a timely manner. (over)