Teller Report

Princess Aiko greets in Swahili at first official event for foreign guests

2/9/2024, 9:42:46 AM

Highlights: Princess Aiko greets in Swahili at first official event for foreign guests. Princess Aiko is the eldest daughter of Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress. Kenya's President William Samoyei Ruto and his wife came to Japan as guests on an official business visit. This is the first time that princess Aiko has attended an official event hosting guests from abroad, Imperial Household Agency says. The Imperial Palace in Tokyo is the official residence of the Japanese emperor and Empress of Japan.

[NHK] On the 9th, Princess Aiko, the eldest daughter of the Emperor and Empress, attended a luncheon to welcome the Kenyan president and his wife who are visiting Japan. Princess Aiko is outside...

On the 9th, Princess Aiko, the eldest daughter of Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress, attended a luncheon to welcome the President and Mrs. Kenya, who are visiting Japan. This is the first time that Princess Aiko has attended an official event hosting guests from abroad.

Kenya's President William Samoyei Ruto and his wife, who came to Japan as guests on an official business visit, visited the Imperial Palace at just after 11:30 a.m. Their Majesties met them and exchanged greetings in English with the president and his wife.

Afterwards, a welcome luncheon was held at the palace, hosted by Their Majesties, and Princess Aiko also attended.

According to the Imperial Household Agency, this is the first time that Princess Aiko has attended an official event where guests from abroad are entertained.Before entering the venue, Their Majesties introduced her to the president and his wife. They were greeted in Swahili.

Princess Aiko was seated between President Ruto and the Kenyan ministers, and while a course of Western cuisine was being served, she spoke in English, almost without the aid of an interpreter, and President Ruto told her, ``Please come to Kenya.'' When asked, they responded, ``Thank you.''