Teller Report

Li Jiachao and other major officials of the Hong Kong SAR government congratulated Hong Kong citizens on the New Year

2/9/2024, 11:02:35 AM

Highlights: Li Jiachao and other major officials of the Hong Kong SAR government congratulated Hong Kong citizens on the New Year. The dragon represents auspiciousness, nobility and luck. Entering the Year of the Dragon, Hong Kong will show vitality and be bustling with traffic. The SAR government will seize every new opportunity, leverage the charm of Hong Kong, and write a prosperous new chapter. The Lunar New Year is a time to reunite with family and friends. He hoped that the children would grow up quickly and that the older friends would be blessed with good luck.

  China News Service, Hong Kong, February 9th. The 9th coincides with New Year's Eve. As the Year of the Dragon is approaching, many major SAR government officials, including Chief Executive Lee Ka-chiu of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, issued New Year's greetings to Hong Kong citizens and tourists from all over the world. New Year wishes.

  Li Jiachao said that the dragon represents auspiciousness, nobility and luck. Entering the Year of the Dragon, Hong Kong will show vitality and be bustling with traffic. The SAR government will seize every new opportunity, leverage the charm of Hong Kong, and write a prosperous new chapter. The Lunar New Year is a time to reunite with family and friends. During the New Year, everyone gathers together and has a great time. He hoped that the children would grow up quickly and that the older friends would be blessed with good luck. He and his wife wish Hong Kong citizens good luck in their homes, homes, and good fortune in the Year of the Dragon.

  Chan Kwok-kee, Chief Secretary for Administration of the SAR Government, said that in the past year, Hong Kong has emerged from the predicament of the epidemic and returned to the international stage. Social and economic development has been progressing steadily, and the regional governance system has been comprehensively improved. The new year is the Year of the Dragon, which symbolizes strength and wisdom. The SAR government, together with all sectors of society, will build on the past and open up the future, pooling everyone's strength and wisdom to lay a solid foundation for national security, do a good job in developing the economy, improving people's livelihood, and build Hong Kong, our common home, for everyone. He said Be confident.

  Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo-po of the SAR government said that with external interest rates peaking, tourism to Hong Kong continuing to recover, investment and private consumption rising, and major events coming one after another, the overall economic and market conditions in the Year of the Dragon are expected to be stable and improving. With the solid support of the country, Hong Kong will continue to make good use of the unique advantages of "one country, two systems", actively contribute, fully integrate into the overall development of the country, connect with the national development strategy, unite all sectors of society, and make the economic "cake" bigger and bigger. More levels and richer connotations will be achieved to achieve higher quality sustainable development and benefit citizens better.

  Lam Ting-kwok, Secretary for Justice of the SAR Government, said that in the new year, the Department of Justice will improve the legal system to safeguard national security and achieve national peace and prosperity; and continue to consolidate Hong Kong as an international legal and dispute resolution service center in the Asia-Pacific region and build "Hong Kong International Legal Talent Training" Academy" to strengthen legal cooperation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, promote mediation culture, and deepen legal education. "We will continue to make good use of the unique advantages of Hong Kong's common law system under 'one country, two systems', and contribute to Hong Kong's long-term stability and the construction of a Chinese-style modern rule of law."

  On the same day, the heads of various policy bureaus of the SAR government also sent New Year blessings to the public in different ways.

  In addition, the Chairman of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Mr Leung Kwan-yin, also issued a congratulatory message on the same day, saying that in the new year, the Legislative Council members will continue to be active and promising, and under the positive interaction between executive and legislative relations, they will play a good role as "public opinion spokespersons" and firmly safeguard national security. (over)