Teller Report

John Travolta, forced to dance Los Pajaritos in Sanremo, becomes the center of mockery and memes and prohibits Rai from broadcasting the images

2/9/2024, 7:32:39 AM

Highlights: John Travolta, forced to dance Los Pajaritos in Sanremo, becomes the center of mockery and memes. He prohibits Rai from broadcasting the images. If last week Spain... celebrated its Benidorm Fest with the victory of Nebulossa y su Zorra, this week it was Italy's turn with San Remo. The Italian song festival is also where the country's representative for Eurovision comes from. The American actor was one of the international stars invited to the second gala of the 74th edition.

"Little birds, let's dance / When you're just born / Your little tail has to move chu chu chu chu...". And John Travolta wagged his tail and got involved. If last week Spain...

Esther Mucientes Madrid


Updated Friday, February 9, 2024-08:10

"Little birds, let's dance / When you're just born / Your little tail has to move chu chu chu chu...".


John Travolta

wagged his tail and got involved. If last week Spain celebrated its

Benidorm Fest

with the victory of


y su


, this week it was Italy's turn with


. The Italian song festival is also where the country's representative for


comes from . And like a good festival, a good controversy could not be left out. However, on this occasion what is surprising about it are its protagonists:

John Travolta


Los Pajaritos

, banned videos and accusations of covert advertising.

The American actor was one of the international stars invited to the second gala of the 74th edition of


, along with other great stars such as

Russell Crowe

, who has not hesitated to also mock


by imitating his partner dancing

on the

Sanremo stage.

The Little Birds



's presence

, in addition to giving international visibility to


, had to be accompanied by a certain spectacle on the part of the actor. Upon his arrival at the Ariston Theater, he danced with the gala's presenter, Amadeus, several of the songs that made him an icon, such as

Saturday night fever

. So far everything is correct.

The problem came when, among the songs that

John Travolta

had to dance to, he played

Los Pajaritos

, the song composed by the Swiss

Werner Thomas

in 1957 and which in Spain became a hit of the 70s and of popular festivals,

María Jesús

, and in Italy

Danna Paola

did the same


The gala had a surprise in store because outside the studio,

the comedian and co-presenter

Fiorello was waiting for

John Travolta

, who encouraged him to do the "bird dance." Suddenly, at the doors of the Ariston, about a dozen people dressed as chickens appeared. Although at first the actor agreed to rehearse the famous dance, when the music started the girls dressed as chickens appeared and




tried to put a duck-bill-shaped hat on his head, the actor flatly refused saying "no." "It fits me" and throwing it to the ground. John


looks clearly uncomfortable, an omen of what would come later.

Within a few hours, if not minutes, the American actor had become the center of jokes and debate in Italy after being pushed to perform the "little birds dance." The images spread like wildfire in the media and on social networks,

where users spoke of "humiliation" and joked about the price of the show

, since media such as

Corriere della Sera

have estimated the cache

that the actor received at

200,000 euros.

for their presence at the festival.

A cache that has been accompanied by two controversies and that has opened the debate in Italy. The first is that the actor has prohibited Rai


Italian television, from showing any type of image of the moment of him wagging his tail. According to

Corriere della Sera

, the protagonist of

Pulp Fiction

has refused to sign permission to public television


for images of the gala to be broadcast again in the future.

In fact, although seeing



Los Pajaritos

may seem like a great success in the show that accompanies

Sanremo , the truth is that



has later assured that "they had made one of the most terrifying


in the history of Italian television ", as the gala captured more than 10.3 million viewers in front of the television and

reached a 60.1% screen share


A case of covert advertising?

The second, for an alleged case of covert advertising. The consumer association Codacons has asked the

Court of Auditors

for explanations about this cache and has asked that it be investigated whether


advertised the sneakers she was wearing, from the


brand , shown several times on camera while she danced.

Apparently, in addition to the

200,000 euros

that have been paid for his presence in

Sanremo ,

one million euros

was paid for his accommodation (not by Rai, but by



) which would also explain

the director's stuttering. festival, Amadeus, who often stopped at the actor's shoes

, showing the sneakers he wore on several occasions during the broadcast of



Little Birds



has admitted that it made a mistake by not having "hidden" the sneaker logo during the live broadcast, but

denies that there was a commercial agreement between the


, Rai and Travolta. According to Amadeus's explanations,

Travolta only came to reimburse her expenses

because she liked being on stage at the Festival. «I don't even know the brand of the shoes, how do you imagine that I am promoting a pair of Travolta shoes?


is this


Amadeus stated at a press conference that


"knew everything that would happen" and that he only received "a low reimbursement of expenses" from Rai for his presence at the gala.

Despite the explanations, there are many things that do not add up. For example, the fact that

Franco Uzzeni

, owner of the


brand , was in the front row. Second, the fact that the videos have been removed from Rai, despite the explanation of the contract signed by


. Additionally,


's brand slogan


Don't care be happy!

, the only words spoken in English by Amadeus while he was talking to



The presenter and artistic director assures that it is just a coincidence, while

Teresa Mannino

, one of the comedians who has performed in


, saves him with a joke: "

They are the only English words he knows

. "