Teller Report

How did Israelis try to exploit "October 7" to obtain government compensation?

2/9/2024, 10:13:11 AM

Highlights: Israeli media reported on the attempt of dozens of Israelis to obtain compensation and money from the government. According to the Israeli channel "Kan 11", the investigations department of the Israeli Insurance Corporation was surprised "when they realized that someone was trying to exploit one of the greatest tragedies in the history of Israel" 150 alleged survivors tried to exploit the attack in order to obtain a monthly salary for the rest of their lives and an initial grant of about 15,000 shekels (4,080 US dollars) for each participant.

The Israeli media reported on the attempt of dozens of Israelis to obtain compensation and money from the government after they claimed that they were survivors of the attack of last October 7.

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The Israeli media reported on the attempt of dozens of Israelis to obtain compensation and money from the government after they claimed that they were survivors of the attack of last October 7.

According to the Israeli channel "Kan 11", the investigations department of the Israeli Insurance Corporation was surprised "when they realized that someone was trying to exploit one of the greatest tragedies in the history of Israel."

The channel published two alleged testimonies sent by two participants - who claimed to be present at the Nova music concert in the Gaza envelope area during the attack - to the Insurance Institute in order to acknowledge that they were “victims of hostilities” with the aim of obtaining financial compensation, and perhaps future disability benefits.

It quoted the head of the Investigations Division of the Israeli Insurance Corporation, Amir Shahbani, as saying that he "did not expect from a moral standpoint that there would be people who could seize this difficult story and exploit it to make a side profit."

It revealed that 150 alleged survivors tried to exploit the attack in order to obtain a monthly salary for the rest of their lives and an initial grant of about 15,000 shekels (4,080 US dollars) for each participant.

In another file, Israeli Channel 12 touched on the investigation opened by the Israeli army regarding the killing of 13 prisoners in a house on Kibbutz Be’eri, where two survivors of the incident confirmed in their testimonies that an Israeli tank bombed the house.

A Channel 12 correspondent reported that the Commander of the 99th Brigade, Brigadier General Barak Hiram, said himself in side conversations with journalists that he had issued an order to end the event as quickly as possible and to fire a shell into the house.

Regarding US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s visit to Tel Aviv, the political affairs correspondent for Israeli Channel 13, Moria Asraf Wolberg, revealed that he stressed his commitment to preventing a repeat of the October 7 attack, but he said that we must acknowledge that there are entire families who have no connection to the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) that were exposed. To hurt.

According to the channel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to Blinken that Hamas alone bears responsibility because it operates among the civilian population, according to his claim.

Source: Al Jazeera