Teller Report

An exhibition gathering technologies to support women's unique physical problems

2/9/2024, 8:42:49 AM

Highlights: An exhibition gathering technologies to support women's unique physical problems. The exhibition is open until the 11th at Roppongi Academy Hills in Minato-ku, Tokyo. Among these medical devices, which help relieve menstrual pain by attaching a pad to the abdomen and transmitting low frequency waves. Also on display is the latest equipment from Europe that allows people who are trying to conceive to find out when they are most likely to become pregnant based on the concentration of carbon dioxide in their exhaled breath.

[NHK] An exhibition is being held in Tokyo that collects technologies to support women's physical problems such as menstruation, pregnancy, and childbirth.

An exhibition is being held in Tokyo that collects technologies to support women's physical problems such as menstruation, pregnancy, and childbirth.

The exhibition was sponsored by a domestic company that handles medical equipment, and it featured approximately 200 products that support women's physical issues such as menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause.

Among these medical devices, which help relieve menstrual pain by attaching a pad to the abdomen and transmitting low frequency waves, you can choose your favorite setting from 60 levels of strength to suit the symptoms of menstrual pain, which vary greatly from person to person. can.

Also on display is the latest equipment from Europe that allows people who are trying to conceive to find out when they are most likely to become pregnant based on the concentration of carbon dioxide in their exhaled breath.

Kana Kondo, from the company that organized the event, said, ``In the past, women have had a hard time raising their voices about health issues, so it has been difficult to develop devices that solve these issues, and they have not come onto the market. "I want more people to know that there are skills for women by increasing the number of opportunities for women to interact."

The exhibition is open until the 11th at Roppongi Academy Hills in Minato-ku, Tokyo.