Teller Report

Above authority - an Israeli soldier who committed a crime in Gaza announces his repentance and conversion to Islam

2/9/2024, 5:03:18 PM

Highlights: Above authority - an Israeli soldier who committed a crime in Gaza announces his repentance and conversion to Islam. The Israeli soldier spoke about the atrocities he committed with his comrades against defenseless Palestinians, including children. He revealed the methods of killing and torture they practiced with hysterical joy. The episode (2/9/2024) of the “Above Authority” program also addressed the following topics: - An infanticide inmate in a 5-star prison in Britain. - The appearance of the second pretender to Christ and the first of his actions was the execution of his father. - In the Israeli media, they have begun to equate Netanyahu with Sinwar.

An Israeli soldier pronounced the Shahada and announced his conversion to Islam, stressing that he found security and repentance in this religion after the atrocities he and his army comrades committed against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

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Video duration: 28 minutes 01 seconds 28:01

An Israeli soldier pronounced the Shahada and announced his conversion to Islam, stressing that he found security and repentance in this religion after the atrocities he and his army comrades committed against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

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Through a live broadcast with a Muslim activist on social media, this Israeli soldier - whose name was not mentioned in the “Above Authority” program - revealed his conversion to Islam, after he was haunted by images of his victims and became unable to sleep.

Regarding the reason for his conversion to Islam, the Israeli soldier said, “In fact, Islam attracted me, because in the Bible we kill children, women, animals, and everything.”

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The Israeli soldier spoke about the atrocities he committed with his comrades against defenseless Palestinians, including children, in the Gaza Strip, and revealed the methods of killing and torture they practiced with hysterical joy.

The Israeli occupation pours its fire on Gaza, targeting children without regard to international conventions (Anatolia)

Among these methods was trying to kill children by throwing dogs at them. The Israeli soldier admitted, saying, "We were doing terrible things. For example, we were throwing stun bombs inside the houses and laughing... and I could tell thousands of stories."

He revealed that one time they put a dog barking at a Palestinian child, and out of extreme fear, this child began to urinate on himself.

The Israeli soldier also confirmed to his interlocutor that they teach their children from childhood that the Arabs will be slaves to the Jews.

The episode (2/9/2024) of the “Above Authority” program also addressed the following topics:

- An infanticide inmate in a 5-star prison in Britain.

- The appearance of the second pretender to Christ and the first of his actions was the execution of his father.

- In the Israeli media, they have begun to equate Netanyahu with Sinwar.

Who is more happy, the occupier when he is demobilized or the resistance fighter when he is summoned?

The Holocaust becomes a Holocaust if the victims are Arabs and Muslims.

- A famous American expert: Our government only believes in coincidence.

- Two hungry children in Gaza to one of the philanthropists: Your children are more worthy than us.