Teller Report

“Legislation is needed to protect the rights of celebrities” including sexual harassment, celebrities hold press conference

2/9/2024, 10:03:00 AM

Highlights: “Legislation is needed to protect the rights of celebrities” including sexual harassment, celebrities hold press conference. As sexual damage and harassment in the entertainment industry has become a problem, entertainers, lawyers, and the parties who have accused the damage held a press conference on the 9th and 9th of this month. The lawyer I consulted with me said that celebrities tend to be in a weak position due to their relationships with organizations and companies. Current laws do not adequately protect them from harassment, overwork, etc.

[NHK] As sexual damage and harassment in the entertainment industry has become a problem, entertainers, lawyers, and the parties who have accused the damage held a press conference on the 9th and...

As sexual damage and harassment in the entertainment industry has become a problem, celebrities, lawyers, and those who have complained of the damage held a press conference on the 9th, calling for legislation to protect the rights of entertainers.

On the 9th, four people held a press conference in Tokyo, including current entertainers and lawyers who are familiar with labor issues in the entertainment industry.

First, the lawyer I consulted with me said that celebrities tend to be in a weak position due to their relationships with organizations and companies, such as their agencies and TV stations, and that current laws do not adequately protect them from harassment, overwork, etc. He pointed out that it is necessary to enact a law targeting people in the entertainment industry.

Furthermore, at the press conference, he announced that he would be working on a signature campaign calling for legislation to protect the rights of celebrities, and that he had started an online survey on the 9th to investigate the actual situation of damage in the entertainment industry.

Akiri Nihongi, a former entertainer who has complained of sexual harassment by Johnny Kitagawa, said, ``There was some slander on social media saying that the entertainment industry is like that, but no one wants to enter the entertainment industry based on the assumption that they have been sexually assaulted. "I want them to have an environment where they can work with peace of mind."

Comedian Nana Takamatsuna, who started the signature campaign, said, ``In the past, I was also the victim of being groped, and I also witnessed sexual harassment by senior comedians, but I regret not being able to speak out.''Entertainment industry There is a special power structure in Japan where if you raise your voice, you are not allowed to speak out, so I would like to create rules that will prevent this from happening again."