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[The Wind Rises in Huangpu] Chen Geng’s Daughter: Her father once personally went to the front line to “speak” to Huangpu classmates - China News Network Video

2/9/2024, 8:22:44 AM

Highlights: [The Wind Rises in Huangpu] Chen Geng’s Daughter: Her father once personally went to the front line to “speak” to Huangpu classmates - China News Network Video. In 1924, Dr. Sun Yat-sen established the Whampoa Military Academy with the help of the Communist Party of China and the Soviet Union. The teachers and students of Huangpu made great achievements in the struggle against imperialism and feudalism. China News Service launched the 100-person oral history series "The wind rises"

[The Wind Rises in Huangpu] Chen Geng’s daughter: Her father once personally went to the front line to “speak” to Huangpu classmates

   Editor's note:

  In 1924, Dr. Sun Yat-sen established the Whampoa Military Academy with the help of the Communist Party of China and the Soviet Union. The teachers and students of Huangpu made great achievements in the struggle against imperialism and feudalism, and in the struggle for national unity and independence, and made significant contributions to the Chinese revolution. On the occasion of the centenary of the founding of the Whampoa Military Academy, China News Service launched the 100-person oral history series "The Wind Rises in Whampoa" to search for 100 representative Whampoa alumni and descendants around the world, listen to the stories of the martyrs, and pursue the spirit of the ancestors, so as to better to unite the Chinese people at home and abroad to jointly contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the complete reunification of the motherland.

  In 1924, 21-year-old Chen Geng came to Guangzhou and became a prominent figure among the more than 600 Huangpu first-term students. Whether it is the "Blood Flower Drama Club" or the "China Young Soldiers Federation", he is active everywhere. In 1925, when the National Revolutionary Army went east to conquer the warlord Chen Jiongming, Chen Geng even saved Chiang Kai-shek's life with a pair of "fast legs". In 1926, Chen Geng parted ways with Chiang Kai-shek, and he participated in the Nanchang Uprising after the "April 12" counter-revolutionary coup. Since then, Chen Geng could always see many "familiar faces" from Huangpu on the battlefields of the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation, whether as allies or opponents.

  Chen Geng’s daughter Chen Zhijin recalled that at the end of 1959, the first batch of senior Kuomintang war criminals, including Du Yuming, Song Xilian and other Huangpu first-generation students, were pardoned by the Central People’s Government. After learning the news, Chen Geng hosted a banquet for these former classmates at the Minzu Hotel. "My father's first words were that we are together again. It turned out that we were together because of the Three People's Principles. During the Anti-Japanese War, it was for national liberation, and later it was also for the reunification of the country. This Huangpu man has been working hard. "

  Correspondent Cheng Yu and Song Zhe reported from Beijing

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]