Teller Report

31 provinces show full-year economic report card

2/6/2024, 1:30:27 AM

Highlights: 31 provinces show full-year economic report card. All 31 provinces achieved positive GDP growth. The GDP of the Tibet Autonomous Region and Hainan Province led the country with a growth rate of 9.5% and 9.2% respectively. Shandong Province has been continuously selected as the province with the best business environment in the country. Shanghai’s actual use of foreign capital reached a record high of 24 billion U.S. dollars, and its total financial market transactions increased by 15%. Beijing and Shanghai are still dazzling in the "Annual Report"

  All provinces will achieve positive GDP growth in 2023, with growth rates mostly in the 4% to 6% range——

  31 provinces show full-year economic report card

  Recently, 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country have successively released their economic report cards for 2023 and announced their expected economic development goals for the new year.

  Guangdong has become the first province in the country with a GDP exceeding 13 trillion yuan. Jiangsu’s actual use of foreign investment remains the first in the country. Two new members have been added to the “trillion club” of cities across the country... Highlights in annual economic reports from various regions have become a major trend in China’s economic progress. A vivid footnote to the good.

  All provinces achieved positive GDP growth

  As of January 31, the 2023 gross regional product (GDP) data for 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country have been released. This is a report card full of highlights——

  You chase me with great enthusiasm. All 31 provinces achieved positive GDP growth. Among them, the GDP of the Tibet Autonomous Region and Hainan Province led the country with a growth rate of 9.5% and 9.2% respectively; the GDP of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region increased by 7.3%, ranking third. In addition, the GDP growth rates of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Gansu Province, Jilin Province, Chongqing City, Shandong Province, Sichuan Province, and Zhejiang Province are also above 6%. The GDP growth rate of most provinces is in the range of 4% to 6%.

  The scale has reached a new level. The GDP of Guangdong Province exceeded 13 trillion yuan for the first time, with a year-on-year growth rate of 4.8%. The economic aggregate has ranked first in the country for 35 consecutive years. The vitality and resilience of the private economy are evident in the work report of the Guangdong Provincial Government: in the past year, the number of operating entities in Guangdong Province exceeded 18 million, of which more than 10 million were individual industrial and commercial households; the number of enterprises exceeded 7.8 million, accounting for 10% of the total in the country. 1/7 of the total. The GDP of Jiangsu Province, which ranked second, exceeded 12 trillion yuan; the GDP of Shandong Province, which ranked third, exceeded 9 trillion yuan for the first time; and the GDP of Zhejiang Province, which ranked fourth, exceeded 8 trillion yuan for the first time.

  High-quality development into color. Shandong Province has been continuously selected as the province with the best business environment in the country. The number of national-level small and medium-sized enterprise characteristic industry clusters has reached 15, 299 new specialized and new "little giants" have been added, and the total number of technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises has exceeded 45,000. As two stars among the country's largest megacities, Beijing and Shanghai are still dazzling in the "Annual Report": the number of international organizations registered in Beijing has increased to 115, and 30,000 5G base stations have been added... Beijing's economic "annual report" has hit multiple " First", many indicators such as GDP per capita, labor productivity of all employees, energy and water consumption per 10,000 yuan of GDP have maintained the best level in provincial regions across the country. Shanghai’s actual use of foreign capital reached a record high of 24 billion U.S. dollars, and its total financial market transactions increased by 15%. Its “magnetic power” for global investors has not diminished.

  Focusing on the inland, the central and western regions have strong development momentum. "The completion of various economic indicators is the best in history" - the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region's economic "annual report" is inspiring to read. Look at the details: The brand of wine-producing areas has risen to the first in China and the fourth in the world; the time for starting a business has been reduced to an average of 0.5 working days, and the business environment evaluation has ranked first in the country; 159 national and autonomous region-level reform pilots have formed 38 Items can generalize experience. Ningxia's "best achievements in history" in economic and social development carry heavy weight.

  The growth rate of the added value of high-tech manufacturing in Liaoning Province is 6.1 percentage points higher than that of the whole country, ice and snow tourism in Heilongjiang Province is booming, and the increase in grain production in Jilin accounts for nearly 12% of the national increase - the revitalization of Northeast China in the work reports of the three governments is becoming increasingly clear live.

  The "Trillion City" club has "a new member"

  Recently, as the Shandong Provincial Government Work Report and the Changzhou Municipal Government Work Report have successively "officially announced" that the GDP of Yantai City, Shandong Province and Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province has exceeded the 1 trillion yuan mark, China's urban GDP "trillion club" has added two more new member.

  It is understood that there are currently 26 members in China’s urban GDP “trillion club”. Among them, Jiangsu Province is the province with the most "trillion cities", including Suzhou, Nanjing, Wuxi, Nantong, and Changzhou; Guangdong Province has four "trillion cities", namely Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Foshan, and Dongguan. In addition, Qingdao, Jinan and Yantai in Shandong Province, Hangzhou and Ningbo in Zhejiang Province and Fuzhou and Quanzhou in Fujian Province are also among them.

  In addition to economic aggregate growth, high-quality development is also an important aspect of the "Annual Report".

  Changzhou City, which has joined the "trillion club" this time, will reach a new level with a growth rate of 6.8% in 2023 after its GDP reached the 900 billion yuan mark in 2022. This is inseparable from the strong driving force of high-quality development: the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 8.8% throughout the year, and it was rated as one of the “Top Ten Cities in the Nation for High-quality Development of Manufacturing Industry”. The rapid development of the new energy industry is indispensable: the annual output value of the new energy industry exceeded 760 billion yuan, the output of new energy vehicles was nearly 680,000 units, and the investment enthusiasm ranked first in the country. The construction of major projects is progressing rapidly and steadily: the Changtai Yangtze River Bridge's southern connection line is fully connected, the Shanghai-Nanjing high-speed railway along the river is open to traffic, the Weicun hub expansion and reconstruction project is delivered, and the Yangtze River Delta has added a major shipping channel connecting the river and the sea.

  Yantai City, another new member of the "trillion club", relies largely on its strong advanced manufacturing industry and outstanding results in the conversion of old and new driving forces. As a traditional industrial powerhouse in East China, Yantai City will gain a lot in 2023: 3 new "Flying Geese" clusters of the province's "top ten" industries, 2 advanced manufacturing clusters, and the output value of the nine major manufacturing industries will exceed 900 billion yuan. In the field of scientific and technological innovation, Yantai City's "four new" economic added value will increase by about 10% in 2023, and the output value of high-tech industries will account for more than 60%, which is more than 10 percentage points higher than the provincial average.

  Looking at other “trillion cities”, each has its own unique approach to high-quality development. 10 companies were shortlisted for the top 500 Chinese enterprises and 20 companies were shortlisted for the top 500 Chinese private enterprises; promoted to the fourth city in China's comprehensive foreign trade competitiveness; Ningbo Zhoushan Port's cargo throughput ranked first in the world for 15 consecutive years... In 2023, Ningbo City It has delivered outstanding results in technological innovation, industrial agglomeration, and rural revitalization.

  Who will be the next “Trillion City”? Several cities in the eastern region are "popular players."

  The "first echelon" that is sprinting towards a trillion-level GDP has set its target time as 2025 - Dalian City, Liaoning Province proposed that the city's GDP should exceed 1 trillion yuan in 2024; Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province proposed that the GDP reach 9,000 yuan in 2025 Wenzhou City in Zhejiang Province, Xuzhou City in Jiangsu Province, and Tangshan City in Hebei Province have also set their goals for 2025.

  "Second tier" cities are also making efforts - Shaoxing City in Zhejiang Province has proposed to strive to achieve a GDP exceeding 1 trillion yuan by 2026; Jinhua City in Zhejiang Province has proposed that GDP will basically achieve the "trillion" target in 2027; Jiangsu Province Yangzhou City proposes to join the urban GDP "trillion club" in 3 to 5 years.

  "New productivity" has become a high-frequency word

  What to do in 2024? Government work reports from various regions have set new year goals.

  Tibet and Hainan, the two provinces with the fastest GDP growth in 2023, have set their growth expectations for this year at about 8%, the highest among provinces. Most other provinces have set their 2024 GDP growth target at around 5%, which is roughly the same as the national GDP growth rate in 2023, including Guangdong, Jiangsu and Shandong provinces, which rank among the top three in the country in terms of economic aggregate. Guangdong Province has set a GDP growth target of 5%, and Jiangsu Province and Shandong Province have made it clear that they strive to achieve a GDP growth rate of more than 5%.

  Look at the frequent mentions - reporters found that "new quality productivity" and "tight days" have become high-frequency words in "annual reports". Among them, "new quality productivity" appeared in many government work reports for the first time. Sichuan Province will focus on this and vigorously develop the artificial intelligence industry. Anhui Province has proposed to support the automobile "Wanjun" to become stronger and larger and build a world-class enterprise. Some provinces emphasize that funds should be spent “smartly.” Amid increasing financial pressure, Guizhou Province is doing everything possible to increase revenue and reduce expenditures to ensure that the "three guarantees" at the grassroots level are strong and requires "really getting used to living a tight life."

  Showing the warmth of people's livelihood - Shanghai has listed 34 practical projects for people's livelihood in 2024: adding 4,000 elderly care beds, 30 community canteens for the elderly, renovating 3,000 cognitive disability care beds; adding 3,000 new public kindergartens and childcare centers quota, 7,000 community childcare facilities; construction and financing of 70,000 units (rooms) of affordable rental housing, more than 10,000 units of affordable housing, and the completion of the installation of 3,000 elevators in existing multi-story residences... Read Shanghai New Year Goals, Providing support for the elderly, providing education for the young, and having a place to live are key words.

  Be a pioneer in reform--Hainan Province has made "preparing for the tough battle of customs closure operations" a "top priority" task in 2024 in the government work report. Aiming at the "No. 1 Project" of Hainan Free Trade Port's customs sealing operation, Hainan will promote the issuance of a series of supporting documents; expand application scenarios, expand test samples, and conduct stress tests on policy systems, customs sealing facilities, system platforms, management capabilities, etc.; clarify " "Second-tier ports" management operation mechanism and customs clearance business process, and build a forward-moving, intensive and convenient supervision model.

  Focus on advantages and characteristics - Ningbo City proposes that the growth rate of the added value of strategic emerging industries is 2 percentage points higher than that of designated industries, creating more than 30 provincial-level benchmark demonstrations such as intelligent manufacturing and industrial Internet; and conducting bonded liquefaction of international sailing ships on a regular basis Natural gas filling business... As a major foreign trade and manufacturing city, Ningbo will continue to give full play to its advantages in 2024.

  In addition, expanding domestic demand and promoting consumption are also key tasks in the work reports of many local governments. Focusing on the construction of an international consumption center city, Beijing has proposed to "make great efforts to stimulate consumption with potential", promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional business districts, and build international consumption experience areas. Jiangsu proposes to increase the cultivation and promotion of new consumption formats in cultural tourism and create more "trendy" domestic products and new consumption scenarios...

  In 2024, all parts of China are speeding up! (People's Daily Overseas Edition)