Teller Report

The Russian FSB prevented a terrorist attack against one of the leaders of Crimea

2/5/2024, 5:00:08 PM

Highlights: The Russian FSB prevented a terrorist attack against one of the leaders of Crimea. It is specified that a radio-controlled improvised explosive device (IED) of cumulative action, a radio transmitting device, a tripod for placing a mine launcher in the direction of the target, a feather mine stabilizer and an initiation actuator that involves connecting a mobile phone were found and seized. The group of people was made up of Russian citizens V.A. Bodnar, O.V. Shevchenko and Ananyeva V.V., all of whom live in Crimea.

The Russian FSB prevented a terrorist attack organized by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) against one of the leaders of Crimea.

The department reported that in Crimea, officers of the Russian FSB detained a group of people consisting of Russian citizens V.A. Bodnar, O.V. Shevchenko. and Ananyeva V.V., who, on instructions from the SBU in Simferopol, was preparing to blow up a car belonging to one of the representatives of the Crimean authorities. The detainees confessed.

It is specified that a radio-controlled improvised explosive device (IED) of cumulative action, a radio transmitting device, a tripod machine for placing a mine launcher in the direction of the target, a feather mine stabilizer, a high-explosive IED and an initiation actuator that involves connecting a mobile phone were found and seized from the suspects .

The investigative department of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol has initiated criminal cases.