Teller Report

The Prosecutor's Office now admits that there are two reports but says that García Ortiz only knew "seriously" the one that exonerates Puigdemont

2/5/2024, 2:20:45 PM

Highlights: The Prosecutor's Office now admits that there are two reports but says that García Ortiz only knew "seriously" the one that exonerates Puigdemont. Álvaro Redondo indicates that the attorney general did not give him any instructions. The attorney general assured this newspaper that it was "flatly false" that there were two reports. The PP demands explanations about the change of criteria of the Supreme Court prosecutor in Puigemont's involvement in 'Tsunami': "There can be no doubts about impartiality"

This Monday, the press office of the State Attorney General's Office sent a letter from the Supreme Court prosecutor, Álvaro Redondo, in charge of writing the report on...

Angela Martialay Madrid


Updated Monday, February 5, 2024-15:14

  • Justice The Supreme Court prosecutor saw terrorism in Puigdemont due to the Tsunami and changed his opinion after meeting with the attorney general

  • Politics The PP demands explanations about the change of criteria of the Supreme Court prosecutor in Puigdemont's involvement in 'Tsunami': "There can be no doubts about impartiality"

This Monday, the press office of the State Attorney General's Office sent a letter from the Supreme Court prosecutor, Álvaro Redondo, in charge of writing the report on Puigdemont that will be debated tomorrow by the Board of Criminal Prosecutors, where the prosecutor himself acknowledges that he prepared two documents about the leader of Junts.

In the press release, signed by Redondo, the prosecutor of the High Court - who, as EL MUNDO has revealed exclusively in a first report, observed signs of terrorism against the fugitive, asking the Supreme Court to open a case against him and in a second document requests to the Second Chamber to reject the reasoned statement - explains that "on Tuesday, January 30, first thing in the morning, I attended a hearing with the State Attorney General," in reference to Álvaro García Ortiz.

According to the version given by the TS prosecutor, Redondo "briefly advanced" the meaning of the draft of his second report to the attorney general. In it, he states that the evidence taken into account by the instructor of the National Court "in order to present the reasoned exposition, are too open, to be able to affirm that the procedural situation exists that would reasonably allow the Supreme Court to assume the competence". This is stated in the document to which this newspaper has had access. In the first of the reports, Redondo appreciated, however, terrorism in Puigdemont's behavior.

Likewise, prosecutor Álvaro Redondo - in addition to corroborating the existence of the meeting revealed by this means before the Board of Prosecutors held last week - also confirms that he told several of his Penal colleagues last Tuesday the meaning of his draft after dispatch with García Ortiz.

Different fiscal sources consulted explain that the prosecutor did not give any explanation for his radical change of opinion and different Supreme Court prosecutors pointed to the meeting with García Ortiz as the origin of the change. Álvaro Redondo, however, indicates that the attorney general did not give him any instructions.

Sources from the Board consulted by this newspaper explain that the change of mind of this conservative prosecutor generated surprise among some of his colleagues, who were aware that there was a first, very elaborate report, where he did support opening a case in the Supreme Court against the former president. Catalan for terrorism.

In the first of the reports, dated January 26, 63 pages long, which bears his signature, it is maintained that "Puigdemont's participation in conduct consisting of carrying out acts that affected said legal assets, with the obvious intention to seriously threaten public peace and oblige public powers, can be considered, at least at this procedural moment, as a criminal offense, and specifically as a crime of terrorism. 

In the second of the reports, signed four days later, the prosecutor rules out the crime of terrorism and affirms that in the case of Tsunami Democràtic crimes of public disorder

occurred .

EL MUNDO contacted the State Attorney General's Office this Sunday to obtain García Ortiz's version of the meeting with Redondo and the reason why there were two contradictory reports written by the same prosecutor in just a few days. The attorney general assured this newspaper that it was "flatly false" that there were two reports. Today, the Supreme Court prosecutor admits, however, its existence.