Teller Report

The occupation executes a Palestinian boy for allegedly attempting to carry out a stabbing attack

2/5/2024, 2:10:58 PM

Highlights: Israeli police executed a 14-year-old Palestinian boy at a military checkpoint near the entrance to the town of Al-Eizariya, east of occupied Jerusalem. The Palestinian News Agency said that the occupation forces shot the boy, Wadih Owaisat, and left him to bleed to death. The Israeli Broadcasting Authority said earlier that members of the Border Police opened fire on a Palestinian who attempted to carry out a stabbing attack. The broadcasting authority added that the incident did not result in any Israeli being injured.

Today, Monday, the Israeli police executed a 14-year-old Palestinian boy at a military checkpoint near the entrance to the town of Al-Eizariya, east of occupied Jerusalem, for allegedly attempting to carry out a stabbing attack. They shot him and left him to bleed to death.

The occupation forces shot the Palestinian boy east of occupied Jerusalem (social networking sites)

Today, Monday, Israeli police executed a 14-year-old Palestinian boy at a military checkpoint near the entrance to the town of Al-Eizariya, east of occupied Jerusalem, for allegedly attempting to carry out a stabbing attack.

The Palestinian News Agency said that the occupation forces shot the boy, Wadih Owaisat, from the town of Jabal Mukaber in Jerusalem, leaving him to bleed to death, and preventing ambulance crews from reaching him.

A general strike was declared in the town of Jabal Mukaber for 3 days after the boy was killed by occupation bullets near the town of Al-Eizariya.

Local sources: The occupation forces opened fire on a Palestinian near the town of Al-Eizariya, east of occupied Jerusalem, and prevented ambulance crews from reaching him.

- Quds News Network (@qudsn) February 5, 2024

The Israeli Broadcasting Authority said earlier that members of the Border Police opened fire on a Palestinian who attempted to carry out a stabbing attack at the entrance to the Maale Adumim settlement, which led to his death.

The broadcasting authority added that the incident did not result in any Israeli being injured.

In a related context, the Broadcasting Authority also announced today the killing of a person who tried to seize a policeman’s weapon in Beersheba, southern Israel, without adding any other details.

Since the escalation of tension in the West Bank and Jerusalem against the backdrop of the devastating Israeli war on the Gaza Strip on October 7, the Israeli army has intensified its raids into Palestinian cities and camps, and increased its violence against the Palestinians, resulting in the martyrdom of 381 Palestinians and the injury of 4,400 others. .

Source: Al Jazeera + agencies