Teller Report

Six bombs with detonators and timers: in Georgia, security services stopped an attempt to transport explosives from Ukraine to Russia

2/5/2024, 3:40:59 PM

Highlights: Six bombs with detonators and timers: in Georgia, security services stopped an attempt to transport explosives from Ukraine to Russia. Georgian special services detained a cargo of C-4 explosives with a total weight of 14 kg on the territory of the country. According to Georgian security officials, the transit of explosives was organized and monitored by Ukrainian citizen Andrei Sharashidze. The State Security Service of Georgia noted that the proceedings could subsequently be reclassified as a case of preparation of a terrorist attack.

Georgian special services detained a cargo of C-4 explosives with a total weight of 14 kg on the territory of the country. According to the Georgian side, a total of six explosive devices with detonators and timers, which were heading to Russia, were found. As noted in the message of the State Security Service of Georgia, the bombs were made by a high-level specialist and are designed for a wide radius of destruction.

Employees of the State Security Service of Georgia (SSS) reported the detention of a shipment of explosive devices that was heading from Odessa to Russian territory through third countries, including Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey.

As follows from the report of the Georgian department, the explosives were presumably being prepared for use in terrorist attacks. Dangerous cargo was found in the car. As the Georgian side stated, we are talking about two batteries, in which a total of six explosive devices were planted.

The explosive devices reportedly contained military-grade C-4, weighing a total of 14 kg. The containers contained detonators and special keys, as well as electronic timers with programmed activation times.

As the Georgian side emphasized, the explosion of such devices in crowded places can lead to significant damage to infrastructure and a large number of casualties. It is also indicated that all six explosive devices were manufactured by a high-level specialist and are designed for a wide radius of destruction.

The statement notes that the explosive used in the bombs far exceeds the force of the TNT blast wave.

Georgian security authorities reported that after the explosive devices were seized by the demining team, the bomb containers were returned to their original form, so that investigative efforts to identify the customers and other persons involved would not become known to the customers and perpetrators.

Security forces found out that the explosives were brought into Georgia on January 19 in a minivan belonging to a Ukrainian citizen. According to the information provided, the cargo was initially planned to be delivered to the Russian city of Voronezh, but later the plan of action changed.

The organizers decided to take out a container with three explosive devices for subsequent crossing of the border with Russia, and left the second container with three explosive devices in Tbilisi.

As a result of the actions of the Georgian security authorities, it was established that seven citizens of Georgia, three citizens of Ukraine and three citizens of Armenia were involved in the import of explosives into the country.

According to Georgian security officials, the transit of explosives was organized and monitored by Ukrainian citizen Andrei Sharashidze, who was born in Batumi and was a candidate for deputy in Ukraine from the Servant of the People party in 2020. It is clarified that other persons involved in the movement of the cargo probably did not know about the explosive devices and detonators in the car’s batteries.

As RT found out, until 2019 Sharashidze was doing business in Russia. In particular, in Moscow he headed Palatin LLC (registered in 2014), which, among other things, was engaged in retail trade, production of juices, tea, and coffee. Five years later, the tax authorities closed the company due to inaccurate data in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Along with this, the statement of the State Security Service notes that the facts of the use of the territory of Georgia with the participation of citizens of this country in the process of transporting explosives are intended to form the opinion that the blame for subsequent terrorist attacks that would occur in Georgia or beyond its borders would fall on Georgia as part of the planning , and implementation.

Based on the incident, a criminal case has been opened in Georgia regarding the illegal acquisition, storage and transportation of explosives and explosive devices. The State Security Service of Georgia noted that the proceedings could subsequently be reclassified as a case of preparation of a terrorist attack.

In May 2023, it was reported that Russian intelligence services uncovered and localized an international channel for smuggling explosives and components of explosive devices camouflaged as household electric stoves from Bulgaria to Russia, organized by Ukrainian intelligence services. As the FSB reported then, the supply channel also passed through Georgia.