Teller Report

Rasmussen Reports poll: 59% of US citizens believe Biden is losing his mental acuity

2/5/2024, 9:20:11 PM

Highlights: Rasmussen poll: 59% of US citizens believe Biden is losing his mental acuity. Only 33% of those polled said they agreed with this opinion. The poll was conducted among 943 adults who voted in the US presidential election. The results were published in the journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS), which is published by the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) It is the first time the AAAS has published a poll on the subject.

Nearly two-thirds of US citizens (59%) believe their 81-year-old President Joe Biden's mental abilities are deteriorating.

This is evidenced by the results of a sociological survey conducted by the research organization Rasmussen Reports.

However, only a third (33%) of respondents made it clear that they did not agree with this opinion.

It is noted that the survey was conducted among 943 adult Americans who expressed their intention to vote in this year's presidential election. 

Earlier, Bloomberg noted that Biden's party members do not believe in his victory in the election.

Also, former US Marine officer Scott Ritter said that Biden is no longer fit for the presidency due to age and infirmity.