Teller Report

France of cursed places

2/5/2024, 7:10:36 PM

Highlights: France of cursed places. What are the cursed places in France? Bob Bellanca welcomes David Galley, independent journalist and author of “Mysterious France” to answer this question. Houses subject to poltergeists, roads with the famous White Lady, a talking wardrobe, or even the famous Perbet mill in Brittany and its ghostly children who fly around: these are all legends discussed in this episode. If you like paranormal stories and events that go beyond rationality, or you are curious about new discoveries, this podcast is for you.

What are the cursed places in France? Bob Bellanca welcomes David Galley, independent journalist and author of “Mysterious France” to answer this question, in this episode of the “Mystères & Unexplained” podcast. Beyond the myth of the scenarios of the greatest horror films, France is full of so-called “cursed” places. Houses subject to poltergeists, roads with the famous White Lady, a talking wardrobe, or even the famous Perbet mill in Brittany and its ghostly children who fly around: these are all legends discussed in this episode. The author recounts in his work 30 mysterious paranormal investigations. He tells how he tried to disentangle the truth from the falsehood at the microphone of “Mystères & Unexplainés”. “Mysteries & Unexplained” is a podcast created by BTLV, adapted and broadcast by Europe 1. If you like paranormal stories and events that go beyond rationality, or you are curious about new discoveries, this podcast is for you. The comments made in this episode are solely those of the person(s) invited. Credits Production: Hugo Maze-dit-Mieuxement for Europe 1 Visual Studio: Axelle Maurel with Sidonie Mangin Artistic direction: Xavier Jolly Voice recording: Marc O. Grunfeld and Victor Naulleau Innovation direction: Jamal Lassiri Media coverage: Lagardère Publicité News

Europe 1 Studio SEASON 2023 - 2024 8:00 p.m., February 5, 2024

What are the cursed places in France? Bob Bellanca welcomes David Galley, independent journalist and author of “Mysterious France” to answer this question, in this episode of the “Mystères & Unexplained” podcast.  

Beyond the myth of the scenarios of the greatest horror films, France is full of so-called “cursed” places. Houses subject to poltergeists, roads with the famous White Lady, a talking wardrobe, or even the famous Perbet mill in Brittany and its ghostly children who fly around: these are all legends discussed in this episode. The author recounts in his work 30 mysterious paranormal investigations. He tells how he tried to disentangle the truth from the falsehood at the microphone of “Mystères & Unexplainés”.  

“Mysteries & Unexplained” is a podcast created by BTLV, adapted and broadcast by Europe 1. If you like paranormal stories and events that go beyond rationality, or you are curious about new discoveries, this podcast is for you. The comments made in this episode are solely those of the person(s) invited. 


Production: Hugo Maze-dit-Mieuxment for Europe 1 Studio 

Visual: Axelle Maurel with Sidonie Mangin  

Artistic direction: Xavier Jolly 

Voice recording: Marc O. Grunfeld and Victor Naulleau 

Innovation Department: Jamal Lassiri 

Media coverage: Lagardère Publicité News