Teller Report

Armengol gives until the 21st for the Justice Commission to present an agreement on the amnesty law

2/5/2024, 6:00:19 PM

Highlights: Armengol gives until the 21st for the Justice Commission to present an agreement on the amnesty law. The president of Congress, Francina Armengol, will present tomorrow at the meeting of the Congressional Board, a legal report, to which EL MUNDO has had access, which rules out the request of PP and Vox to consider the proposed amnesty law as defeated after that the Plenary Session of Congress rejected last Tuesday by an absolute majority the "final and overall vote" on the text.

The president of Congress, Francina Armengol, will present tomorrow at the meeting of the Congressional Board, a legal report, to which EL MUNDO has had access, which rules out...

Marisa Cruz Madrid


Updated Monday, February 5, 2024-18:53

The president of Congress, Francina Armengol, will present tomorrow at the meeting of the Congressional Board, a legal report, to which EL MUNDO has had access, which rules out the request of PP and Vox to consider the proposed amnesty law as defeated after that the Plenary Session of Congress rejected last Tuesday by an absolute majority the "final and overall vote" on the text.

The report considers that there is no need to revoke the proposed law and that it should be sent to the Justice Commission so that a new opinion on it can be drafted in this area and submitted to a new vote by the Plenary.

Furthermore, in support of the urgency that the Government and its allies want to give to the processing of the amnesty, the report maintains that the period available to the Justice Commission to negotiate and prepare a new opinion must be 15 calendar days. and not a month. Consequently, he considers that the work in committee should be concluded on the 21st.

Last week, PP and Vox registered separate documents of challenge and reconsideration requesting that the parliamentary process of the amnesty law proposal be terminated since the Plenary Session of the Chamber voted against the entire initiative by an absolute majority, as and as required in the projects and propositions of organic law.

The reports of both formations were exhaustive in legal arguments, however the one that the president of Congress will use today, advised by the general secretary and senior lawyer, does not contribute any beyond considering that the approval of the opinion of the law must prevail over the overall vote on the rule because, he points out, it is "two different votes" and adds that the text should only be considered defeated in the event that the second opinion, which will have to be ready on the 21st, is rejected by the full.