Teller Report

Winter diet: essential fruits and vegetables in the pantry to lose weight and avoid colds, endocrinologist's word

1/30/2024, 1:59:44 AM

Highlights: Winter diet: essential fruits and vegetables in the pantry to lose weight and avoid colds, endocrinologist's word. At least three servings of fruits and two of fresh vegetables each day, taking into account that one serving is equivalent to 140-150 grams in net weight, raw and clean. A consumption of 800 grams per day can reduce the risk of premature death by up to 31%. Oranges, tangerines and lemons are rich in vitamin C, potassium, B2 and minerals.

Well into the month of January, maintaining the good resolutions of losing the couple of extra kilos that we sometimes carry after days of excess begins to become difficult...

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Well into the month of January, maintaining the good


of losing the couple of extra kilos that we sometimes carry after days of


begins to become difficult: the daily pace of life makes it difficult to maintain a


over time, and A lot of warm clothing that covers us makes the intention more fragile.

However, it helps to be aware that minimal changes to our daily meal plan not only allow us to control our weight, but also gain health, at all levels. And also know that these dates are the best time to do them. "Starting the year with the adoption of

healthy habits

generates great advantages in terms of general well-being. With a few minimal changes we can increase our energy and vitality, and contribute to improving our health," says Dr.

Guillermo José Sada Castillo

, graduate in Medicine and Surgery, specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition, and CEO of the pharmaceutical company Lanier Pharma. "A balanced and healthy diet is the key to


various diseases that affect our body, such as cardiovascular or respiratory diseases, so common during this current winter," adds the expert.

In this chapter, some fish come into play during these first months of the year, "such as cod or sea bream," says Dr. Sada Castillo, "which stand out for their high nutritional value and their invaluable contribution of proteins and Omega 3 fatty acids


"Not only do they add flavor, they also help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases." But above all, we must keep in mind some

fruits and vegetables,

which are essential now in our winter pantry if what we want is

to purify

our body, help us lose those couple of extra kilos that seem impossible to lose and, incidentally, , but no less important, fill ourselves with vitamins and minerals that allow us to face the cold and sudden changes in temperature with our


in full force.

"Consuming a


amount of fruits and vegetables is one of the pillars of a healthy lifestyle," also states Isabel Yagüe, nutritionist at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra. How much is enough? At least three


of fruits and two of fresh vegetables each day, taking into account that one serving is equivalent to 140-150 grams in net weight, raw and clean. These are figures that indicate


, but not maximums: different research indicates that it is better to include up to 10 daily servings and that a consumption of 800 grams per day can reduce the risk of premature death by up to 31%.

winter pantry

With this intention, Dr.

Sada Castillo

recommends "consuming seasonal fruits and vegetables, since they better preserve all their nutrients and are more


for the body." Including them in our diet ensures a supply of vitamins, minerals and even proteins of high biological value. "In winter there is a variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables that are not only delicious, but also very nutritious," explains the doctor. They are what help us strengthen our "

immune system

, the good condition of our cardiovascular system and promote a healthy lifestyle," he adds, which makes it easier for us to achieve the right weight and not lose it.

Because increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruits also helps

digestive well-being:

the high doses of fiber they provide improve intestinal transit and prevent constipation and fluid retention. That is, these foods also act as natural


and promote the elimination of toxins.

The easy way to incorporate into our menu "fruits, vegetables, legumes and healthy fats that provide us with the energy our body requires, as well as all those necessary nutrients and proteins, is to plan meals coherently," says Dr. Sada Castillo. , taking into account those that are now in their best moment. This is the list prepared by the expert:

  • Oranges, tangerines and lemons.

    They are fruits rich in vitamin C that helps us strengthen our immune system and prevents contracting the most common infections during these months, such as flu and colds. One hundred grams of orange provide about 47 calories on average, which rises to 53 in the case of mandarins and drops to almost half if we talk about lemon: just 29. These citrus fruits are also a source of folic acid, vitamin A, B1, B2 and minerals such as potassium.

  • Apples.

    Not only is it a fruit very rich in calcium, phosphorus and potassium, essential elements for the formation of mineral salts in bones, but it also offers the vitamins necessary for the development and growth of muscles. These, in turn, will allow us to consume more energy, which will make it easier for us to burn calories. One hundred grams of apple provide only 52 calories, but beyond its low caloric intake, this fruit is the one with the greatest amount of pectin in the skin, a fiber that, in addition to promoting digestion and preventing constipation, manages to 'drag' some fats , so it is very useful in weight control diets.

  • Broccoli.

    A vegetable that contains many health benefits, mainly due to the large amount of vitamin C and antioxidants it provides, which are good allies of our immune system in the colder months: they help avoid respiratory infections such as the flu or cold. With just 34 calories per hundred grams, this vegetable provides sulforaphane, which helps eliminate toxins and control free radicals and uric acid; iron to combat anemia, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc, minerals that contribute to bone health and prevent osteopenia.

  • Carrots.

    Recognized for being one of the healthiest options to take care of our eye health, since they are rich in beta-carotene and vitamin A, they also promote the good condition of hair and nails. In addition, they provide phosphorus, promote digestion and prevent fluid retention due to their diuretic capacity. One hundred grams of this tuber provide only about 35 calories.

  • Chard.

    Source of vitamins and minerals, they have a high nutritional value and a low caloric intake, only 41 calories per hundred grams. And they are at their best: the best time to consume it is from October to April. Taking chard not only promotes intestinal transit and prevents constipation, it also provides very significant amounts of iodine, iron, magnesium and potassium. It also stands out for the presence of folates and vitamins A, C and B3 or niacin, which help good digestion, avoid stress and maintain healthy skin.

  • Legumes.

    With special mention to the humble lentils and the popular chickpeas. The two legumes provide vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as protein and fiber, and are a source of iron and other essential minerals, such as zinc, magnesium, sodium, calcium and potassium. Lentils, stewed only with vegetables, do not make you fat: they are a light dish that provides 116 calories per hundred grams (almost half that of chickpeas, which go up to 364 calories), and among their benefits stands out their protein content, with a percentage much higher than any other food of plant origin. They also have no fat, but they do have a good amount of pectin.

  • Fitness