Teller Report

Two twins stolen at birth are found thanks to TikTok

1/30/2024, 4:19:04 PM

Highlights: Two twins stolen at birth are found thanks to TikTok. They are Ano and Amy, identical twins but separated at birth in Georgia, in 2002, and sold to different families. Neither knew she had a twin sister, but for years they saw a person on social media who looked identical to them. Through a TikTok post in which Amy appeared, Ano was able to communicate with her sister. They were reunited after years of looking for each other on the internet. They have been reunited with their families.

They are Ano and Amy, identical twins but separated at birth in Georgia, in 2002, and sold to different families. Neither knew she had a twin sister, but for years...

Updated Tuesday, January 30, 2024-16:55

They are Ano and Amy, identical twins but separated at birth in Georgia, in 2002, and sold to different families. None of them knew that she had a twin sister, but for years they saw a person on social media who looked identical to them. Through a TikTok post in which Amy appeared, Ano was able to communicate with her sister.