Teller Report

The most complicated Spring Festival travel weather since 2008 has occurred. How to ensure Spring Festival travel?

1/30/2024, 10:50:16 PM

Highlights: "News 1+1" connected with Xu Jun, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, and Wang Lijuan, an expert from the Public Meteorological Service Center of the China Meteorological Administration. They shared their concerns: How to ensure Spring Festival transportation due to widespread heavy rain and snow? How to deal with extreme accumulated precipitation in many places? How do local departments and departments respond? How will the weather affect agriculture, energy supply, and facility and facility severely affected by freezing weather?

News 1+1丨The most complicated Spring Festival travel weather since 2008 has occurred. How to ensure Spring Festival travel?

  Starting from January 31, the central and eastern regions of my country will experience the largest and longest rain and snow weather process since this winter. Our country will encounter the most complex Spring Festival weather since 2008. According to meteorological experts, this rain and snow weather process has the characteristics of wide rain and snow coverage, long duration, large freezing rain range, and extreme accumulated precipitation in some areas. From a time point of view, the impact of rain and snow will be from the middle to late this week to the beginning of next week, which is the critical period of Spring Festival travel. "News 1+1" connected with Xu Jun, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, and Wang Lijuan, an expert from the Public Meteorological Service Center of the China Meteorological Administration, to share their concerns: How to ensure Spring Festival transportation due to widespread heavy rain and snow?

With widespread rain and snow approaching, how will localities respond?

  Starting from January 31, the central and eastern regions of my country will experience the largest and longest rain and snow weather process since this winter. Bad weather has always tested traffic safety. Especially now, it is the critical period of Spring Festival travel, and Hubei, Henan and other important transportation hubs connecting the north, south, east and west of my country are also in the core affected areas of this rain and snow. What preparations are being made everywhere? How to deal with this rain and snow weather?

The daily precipitation or cumulative precipitation in many places is extreme.

Xu Jun, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory:

Generally speaking, extremeness generally refers to approaching, reaching or exceeding historical extreme values ​​or extreme values ​​for the same period. The same period in history generally refers to sufficient observation data for decades. This rain and snow process we are talking about is the extreme nature of the same period in history in early February, which means that the daily precipitation or cumulative precipitation of this process may be close to or exceed the historical maximum value in early February. During this process, snowfall in southern Shaanxi, southern North China, northern Huanghuai, Hubei, northern Chongqing, eastern Liaoning, and eastern Jilin can reach 10-25 mm, and locally exceeds 30 mm; new snow accumulation in some of the above areas It can reach 10-20 cm, and locally it can exceed 25 cm, which is a certain extreme. This is a relatively rare rain and snow weather process. The snowfall intensity in a single day is large, lasts for a long time, and the accumulated heavy snowfall intensity is large, which will also have a greater impact on Spring Festival travel.

Will there be rain, snow and freezing disasters similar to 2008 this year?

Xu Jun, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory:

I don’t think so. Compared with 2008, there are two differences this time. The first is the duration. In 2008, the low-temperature rain, snow and freezing weather lasted for nearly a month. This time the rain and snow process lasted less than a week, and the accumulated snow amount was less than that in 2008. Judging from the scope and intensity of freezing, it is not as good as 2008. The second point is reflected in the low temperature, because 2008 was a low-temperature rain and snow freeze, and this time it was a rain and snow freeze process. The low temperature in 2008 was mainly low in the southern region. The temperature in most of the southern region was 4 to 6°C lower than the same period in normal years. The low temperature during this rain and snow was not obvious. Another point is that after 15 years, our ability to respond to such extreme disasters has improved in terms of forecasting and early warning. So to sum up, we believe that extreme disasters like the one in 2008 will not happen this time.

How do local departments and departments respond?

Wang Lijuan, an expert at the Public Meteorological Service Center of the China Meteorological Administration:

This widespread rain, snow, and freezing weather will have a significant impact on ensuring smooth traffic, energy supply, and facility agriculture. Since the areas severely affected by freezing rain and snow are mostly in the central and eastern transportation hub provinces, such as Tujinnan, Zhengzhou and other high-speed railways, as well as Daguang, Beijing, Hong Kong and Macau and other expressways, how to avoid possible delays or congestion requires the transportation department Precautions need to be taken in advance. Affected by freezing rain and snow, there is an increased risk of ice and snow covering power facilities in Jianghan, Jianghuai and other places, and the electricity and heating load in the south may increase. Therefore, the energy and power sector needs to prepare energy reserves and snow and ice removal in advance. In addition, northern facility agriculture should also pay attention to clearing the snow in the sheds in time. Generally speaking, the transportation, power energy, oil and gas security, and agricultural production departments in most areas of the central and eastern regions need to pay attention to local changes in rain and snow in a timely manner and carry out timely prevention and response work.

What should the public pay attention to when traveling?

Wang Lijuan, an expert at the Public Meteorological Service Center of the China Meteorological Administration:

The severe impact of this rain and snow freezing process overlaps with the peak period of Spring Festival travel, which will have a greater impact on highway, railway, and air travel. Road blockages, railway delays, and flight delays will bring great uncertainty to the public's travel time. Therefore, when traveling, on the one hand, everyone should pay attention to keeping warm and cold, and on the other hand, make good time arrangements. In addition, a major feature of this year's Spring Festival travel season is that the proportion of inter-provincial travel and self-driving travel has increased significantly. Therefore, the public traveling by self-driving should pay special attention to preventing snow, ice and slippery roads to prevent traffic accidents. In addition, the meteorological department will issue the latest forecast and warning in a timely manner for this process. Since it lasts for a long time and has a wide impact, it is recommended that the public still pay close attention to the weather and traffic information at the place of travel, passing places and destinations. changes to ensure travel safety. (CCTV News Client)