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New archaeological discoveries in China in 2023 were announced, and six projects including the Paleolithic Site of Mengxi River in Ziyang City, Sichuan were selected

1/30/2024, 3:28:32 AM

Highlights: The much-anticipated "New Archaeological Discovery in China in 2023" was announced in Beijing on January 30. Six major site excavation research projects, including southern architectural sites, were selected. The Lake Bogoria Paleolithic site in the Republic of Kenya was selected as a new foreign archaeological discovery in 20 23. The forum is an academic forum for Chinese archeology in the new era hosted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. It is a platform for the exchange of China's latest archaeological information and the display of major discoveries.

  China News Service, Beijing, January 30 (Reporter Sun Zifa) The much-anticipated "New Archaeological Discovery in China in 2023" was announced in Beijing on January 30. The Mengxi River Paleolithic Site in Ziyang City, Sichuan, and the Shell in Pingtan County, Fujian Qiutou Neolithic ruins, Qujialing Neolithic ruins in Jingmen City, Hubei Province, Zhaigou Shang Dynasty ruins in Qingjian County, Shaanxi Province, Nestorian temple ruins in the Tang and Song dynasties in the west of Turpan City, Xinjiang, and Liao Shangjing Imperial City in Balinzuo Banner, Inner Mongolia Six major site excavation research projects, including southern architectural sites, were selected.

Projects selected for new archaeological discoveries in China in 2023 will receive medals. Photo by China News Network reporter Sun Zifa

  Another seven site projects were shortlisted for the "New Archaeological Discoveries in China in 2023". They are: Yuzhuang Longshan Cultural Site in Yexian County, Henan Province, the Neolithic Stone City Site in Houchengzui, Qingshuihe County, Inner Mongolia, and the Shang Dynasty Nobles on Shuyuan Street, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. Cemeteries, the Bronze Age ruins of Shalya Makob in Dulan County, Qinghai, the Qin Dynasty ritual building ruins in Sijiaoping, Li County, Gansu, the ruins of the Mor Temple of the Han and Tang dynasties in Kashgar, Xinjiang, and the porcelain kiln site from the Jin to Qing dynasties in Chencun, Huozhou City, Shanxi.

  In addition, the Lake Bogoria Paleolithic site in the Republic of Kenya was selected as a new foreign archaeological discovery in 2023. The site was excavated and researched by the Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archeology, the Luoyang Archaeological Research Institute, and the National Museum of Kenya.

  The selected and shortlisted projects for new archaeological discoveries in China in 2023 were officially released at the Archeology Forum of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences held that day. It is understood that the forum was founded in 2002. It is an academic forum for Chinese archeology in the new era hosted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and hosted by the Institute of Archeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Archaeological Magazine. It is a platform for the exchange of China's latest archaeological information and the display of major archaeological discoveries. It serves as a stage and an academic platform for new developments in archaeology, aiming to promote academic exchanges in archaeology and promote the prosperity and development of Chinese archaeology in the new era. (over)