Teller Report

The 'repentant' Vox councilor who has taken a town from Ayuso to give it to the PSOE

1/27/2024, 1:28:54 AM

Highlights: The electoral night of March 28 was lived with intensity in the town of Los Santos de la Humosa (2,772 inhabitants) The final count concluded with the PSOE as the most voted force, with 614 ballots, ahead of the PP, with 545. But the champagne was uncorked in the popular booth, since the tiebreaker was broken by the then Vox councilor (136 votes) Lázaro Polo was re-elected mayor (he had governed since 2019 with Spain 2000) with Moreno voting in favor.

The electoral night of March 28 was lived with intensity in the town of Los Santos de la Humosa (2,772 inhabitants). The final count concluded with the PSOE as the most voted force,...

Ricardo Pino Madrid


Updated Saturday, January 27, 2024-00:39

The electoral night of March 28 was lived with intensity in the town of Los Santos de la Humosa (2,772 inhabitants). The final count concluded with the PSOE as the most voted force, with 614 ballots, ahead of the PP, with 545. Both, however, achieved five councilors. But the champagne was uncorked in the popular booth, since the tiebreaker was broken by the then Vox councilor (136 votes),

Daniel Moreno


Lázaro Polo

was re-elected mayor (he had governed since 2019 with Spain 2000 and was signed by the PP) with Moreno voting in favor. A thumbs up that, in principle, did not require a position in the municipal government: the councilor had complaints of corruption, which led the Prosecutor's Office to open an investigation for embezzlement and fraud. The case came to court.

At noon yesterday, the baton changed hands. He did it after a motion of censure. It was no surprise, since it was something known in the town. Even outside its municipal limits. The matter reached the Assembly. Daniel Moreno, the key councilor, who left Vox shortly after the investiture ceremony was completed, was willing to give his vote to Carolina Urtasun, the PSOE candidate and winner of the local elections. It could have happened in May, but Moreno was still active in Vox and it turned out to be impossible. So, as of yesterday, Urtasun is the first mayor of the town of Los Santos de la Humosa. There was a lot of tension, but no altercation.

"It is a reflection that the PSOE has no respect even for the red lines," they told this newspaper yesterday from the PP. «When it comes to getting a chair, he is capable of making an agreement with anyone. Even with a former Vox who is being investigated. "They do not want the municipality to progress," was the accusation of

Lucía Paniagua

, secretary of Municipalities of the party, who wanted to accompany the ousted mayor, signed by Ayuso for the elections after his time in the far-right Spain 2000 formation, to have a drink. . The former councilor himself regretted the situation in statements to EFE: "It is a shameful situation on the part of the PSOE to agree with a person accused of alleged crimes of fraud and defrauding the City Council, this same Administration." From Sol, after losing one of the mayoralties in the region and keeping 114 (32 from the PSOE), they point directly to

Juan Lobato

, head of the Madrid socialists. "We have already seen Sánchez do it, it is not surprising," they add.

From the PSOE, however, they valued the change of owner in the City Council as a normal situation. "It's about a councilor who was from Vox... It's a very local issue," was Lobato's own explanation on Onda Cero last week.

Marta Bernardo

, secretary of organization, spoke in the Assembly: "If they have any tool in their hands to ensure that this municipality is not run by the extreme right, they will use it." From that political side they justify their movement due to the poor management carried out by Polo. The fact is that, yesterday, there was a change of color in Los Santos de la Humosa.