Teller Report

Now a skate park is being built in Väven in Umeå

1/26/2024, 2:47:20 PM

Highlights: A unique skate park is being built in the cultural center Väven in Umeå. The idea is that experienced and beginners will have the opportunity to try riding in premises. Organizer Johan Sjöström got the idea last summer when he got a suggestion to arrange something fun in a venue. The event is free and two people from 11 o'clock will take care of and teach beginners, says Sjobstom. The skate park will be open to the public from 10am to midnight.

A unique skate park is being built in the cultural center Väven in Umeå this weekend. The idea is that experienced and beginners will have the opportunity to try riding in premises. - It feels very good to be able to organize such an event in Umeå, which has many skateboarders, says Johan Sjöström, organizer.

Johan Sjöström got the idea last summer when he got a suggestion to arrange something fun in a venue in Umeå

- I came up with the idea to build a skate ramp and combine skateboarding and disco. It was much appreciated. Everyone thought it was a fun thing, says Johan Sjöström

Now he runs the same concept but has also thought of young people and beginners who want to learn to skateboard. The event is free.

- We have two people from 11 o'clock who will take care of and teach beginners. We have also acquired some skateboards in case people don't have them with them, says Johan Sjöström.