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Seize opportunities and make up for shortcomings to promote coordinated regional development in Guangdong

1/23/2024, 3:06:43 AM

Highlights: Seize opportunities and make up for shortcomings to promote coordinated regional development in Guangdong. There are differences in the development levels of different regions. In order to achieve high-quality development, inter-regional coordination and cooperation should be strengthened. In 2023, Yingde strives to build two tens-billion-yuan agricultural industries. Yingde black tea and Xini bamboo shoots, silk rice and Qingyuan chicken, as well as sericulture, aquatic products, fruits, etc.

  There are differences in the development levels of different regions.

In order to achieve high-quality development, inter-regional coordination and cooperation should be strengthened.

In what aspects will coordinated regional development be promoted?

What policy measures should be formulated?

How to promote the optimal allocation of resources and mutual benefit between regions?

At this year's Provincial Two Sessions, the issue of coordinated regional development in Guangdong aroused heated discussions among many representatives and committee members.

  Focusing on the future and planning for development, representatives and committee members put forward suggestions on the integrated development of urban and rural areas, improving the agricultural modernization industrial system, cultivating skilled personnel, and strengthening infrastructure services in towns and villages.

Industrial distribution

Give full play to comparative advantages and achieve complementary and complementary development

  As an important part of the economic system, the characteristic modern industrial system is closely related to new urbanization construction and comprehensive rural revitalization.

Yang Wenbiao, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress, member of the Democratic National Construction Association, and president of Shenzhen Huajuchen Industrial Group, suggested that the balanced development of eastern Guangdong, western Guangdong, and northern Guangdong should be promoted with differentiation and characteristics.

  In terms of rural industries, he proposed that comparative advantages should be brought into play, and industries need to be reasonably distributed and developed in a coordinated and complementary manner.

For example, Shanwei in eastern Guangdong is rich in tourism resources such as red and blue coastal areas, and it is necessary to accelerate the development of the cultural tourism industry; Zhanjiang in western Guangdong should focus on the development of modern port industries, Maoming should focus on the development of green chemicals and hydrogen energy industries, and Yangjiang should vigorously develop the wind power energy industry; Shaoguan in northern Guangdong should take advantage of the ecological barrier to help the national hub node of the national integrated computing power network in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area break through key core technology bottlenecks.

  He also suggested focusing on cultivating village collective economies, state-owned enterprises, private enterprises and other market entities, integrating culture, education, medical care, health and other public welfare social undertakings with industrial parks, tourist attractions, and rural tourism key villages to implement overall planning and urban and rural overall planning and integrated construction.

  At the same time, it is necessary to develop industries such as specialty planting and rural tourism according to local conditions, promote the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas, and expand the county economy.

Accelerate the construction of an agricultural socialization service system, and encourage and support new agricultural business entities to innovate and carry out comprehensive agricultural socialization services.

Processing of agricultural products

Create an “agriculturally strong town and small economic circle”

  Characteristic high-quality agricultural products can not only enhance local visibility and reputation, but also increase farmers' production and income.

Fan Qiuping, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress and deputy chairman of the Qingyuan City Grassroots Committee of the Kuomintang, put forward the "Recommendations on Vigorously Supporting the Agricultural Products Processing Industry to Promote the High-Quality Development of the County Economy."

  Fan Qiuping took Yingde City as an example. As a major agricultural county in Guangdong Province, Yingde is the "hometown of black tea in the world", "hometown of bamboo shoots in China", "hometown of black-skinned winter melon in China", "hometown of sericulture in China" and "hometown of fruit cane in China". ”, the agricultural industry has a solid foundation for development, and agricultural products have distinctive characteristics and high quality.

In 2023, Yingde strives to build two tens-billion-yuan agricultural industries, Yingde black tea and Xiniu bamboo shoots, and vigorously develop the two key industries of silk rice and Qingyuan chicken, as well as tofu, sericulture, aquatic products, meat pigeons, fruits, etc. N" billion-yuan agricultural industry, by strengthening and expanding the whole industry chain services such as agricultural product processing, linking the upstream and downstream industrial chains, creating an "agricultural strong town small economic circle" and promoting the high-quality development of the county economy.

  "The agricultural product processing industry has a remarkable effect in linking farmers with agriculture. It can provide farmers with jobs at home and increase farmers' income. It is an important support for county economic development." She suggested that relevant departments strengthen land security for agricultural product processing enterprises and "prioritize the arrangement of land for construction." The scale and indicators support the construction of agricultural industry processing, warehousing, cold chain logistics and three-industry integration supporting facilities. The 'point land supply' gives priority to support the project land needs of these enterprises and simplifies relevant land use procedures."

Talent improvement

Cultivate agricultural-related professionals and provide support for promotion and remuneration

  Talent is the key to rural revitalization.

Yang Wenbiao believes that precise efforts should be made to implement the employment priority strategy and make up for the shortcomings of the talent shortage in counties.

In terms of talent team building, he proposed to strengthen the introduction and training of front-line skilled talents at the rural grassroots level, and suggested accelerating the exploration of effective connections between professional title evaluation and talent training.

Break the "ceiling" for professional and technical promotion in counties, improve the professional title review management service system, optimize the structure of rural professional and technical talent teams, and cultivate more farmer craftsmen.

In addition, efforts should be made to guide the flow of fresh graduates, agricultural entrepreneurs, technical talents, outstanding teachers and agricultural management-related professionals to eastern Guangdong, western Guangdong and northern Guangdong, and the government will provide financial support and promotion incentives.

  "The government can also encourage enterprises and universities to strengthen cooperation in talent training." Chen Binghu, a member of the Provincial CPPCC and chairman of the Zhanjiang Municipal Committee of China Democratic National Construction Association, suggested that support for experts and scholars should be strengthened and relevant scientific research projects could be established.

  Financing model

  Explore diversified financing models based on regional conditions

  Financial support can promote high-quality regional economic development.

Chen Binghu said that it is necessary to formulate a sound investment and financing system based on the actual situation of the region, promote and deepen the reform of the investment and financing system, enrich government investment and financing models, and promote the diversification of investment entities; it is also necessary to innovate financing models and actively explore diversified financing models. .

In addition to government investment, enterprises, social organizations and foreign capital should also be encouraged to participate in investment.

For example, PPP (public-private partnership) model, BOT (build-operate-transfer) model, etc. can be adopted to attract more social capital into the public sector.

  Fan Qiuping suggested that financial institutions should be guided to actively connect with the characteristic agricultural industries of each county, innovate highly matched financial products and credit guarantee financing models, increase credit to agricultural product processing enterprises, reduce the financing costs of enterprises, and boost the county economy. Quality development.


It is recommended to build a new Guanglian Expressway exit line to benefit nearby residents

  Public infrastructure is the basic condition necessary for development, including transportation, energy, communications, water supply and power supply, etc. It is crucial to improving production efficiency, promoting industrial upgrading, and promoting the improvement of people's living standards.

  In terms of transportation, Zhang Jinghua, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress, secretary of the General Party Branch of Shunquan Village, Dalu Road Road Town, Lianzhou City, Qingyuan City, and director of the village committee, specifically proposed a new connection line from the Longping Exit of the Guanglian Expressway to the G107 National Highway.

  He said that the Longping exit of the Guanglian Expressway is the only way for tourist vehicles in the Dadongshan Hot Spring Resort and transport vehicles in the calcium carbonate mining area, and the traffic volume is large.

However, the existing exit line S392 has many twists and turns and is only 6 meters wide, making it prone to traffic accidents.

In order to meet the normal needs of the people's life and production, there is an urgent need to add a Longping exit line of the Guanglian Expressway to ease vehicle traffic, eliminate safety hazards to a greater extent, and benefit the surrounding people.

  "After the exit highway is completed, it can satisfy vehicle traffic in Dadongshan Hot Spring Resort, facilitate the upgrading of tourist attractions, and promote the economic development of Lianzhou." Zhang Jinghua said that this highway will also provide transportation convenience for the sales of agricultural products in the region. Effectively promote the integrated development of the “High-Quality Development Project of Hundreds of Counties, Thousands of Towns and Tens of Thousands of Villages”.

  Yangcheng Evening News reporter Li Qiuling Lin Yuan Xue Jianghua