Teller Report

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: The proportion of soybean meal in feed formula has dropped to 13%

1/23/2024, 5:37:10 AM

Highlights: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: The proportion of soybean meal in feed formula has dropped to 13%. Around tons of soybeans are consumed. In 2023, my country's soybean imports will be 99.41 million tons, an increase of 11.4% over the previous year. Reducing the amount of feed soy bean meal requires both "saving money" and "increasing revenue". In addition to soybean Meal, there are also various resources such as grain processing by-products and microbial proteins, which can be mined.

  China News Service, January 23: The State Council Information Office held a press conference to introduce the operation of agricultural and rural economies in 2023.

Chen Bangxun, director of the Development Planning Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, introduced at the meeting that the proportion of soybean meal in the current feed formula has dropped to 13%, a decrease of 1.5 percentage points from 2022. Calculated based on annual feed consumption, it is equivalent to a reduction of 9 million Around tons of soybeans are consumed.

  Chen Bangxun said that soybean meal is an important source of feed protein.

In recent years, with the increase in livestock and poultry raising, the consumption of soybean meal for feed has continued to increase, becoming one of the important factors driving soybean imports.

In 2023, my country's soybean imports will be 99.41 million tons, an increase of 11.4% over the previous year.

At present, the proportion of soybean meal in my country's feed is relatively high. Judging from the practice of large-scale domestic breeding enterprises, there is room for downward adjustment.

In 2023, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs launched a three-year action to reduce and replace feed soybean meal, which is to guide the feed breeding industry to use scientific materials, reduce the amount of soybean meal, and promote conservation and consumption reduction.

This issue can be explained clearly in three sentences.

  The first sentence: It is scientific and feasible to reduce and replace feed soybean meal.

Soybean meal is a high-protein feed. Animals eat soybean meal mainly to supplement amino acids. According to relevant research, livestock and poultry breeding actually does not need such high protein consumption levels.

The comprehensive promotion of low-protein diet technology in the action of reducing and replacing feed soybean meal means adopting precise feed formula and fine processing technology, combined with the use of feed additives such as synthetic amino acids, which can not only meet the nutritional needs of animals, but also reduce feed protein consumption.

Practice has proved that using this technology can reduce the consumption of soybean meal without affecting the efficiency of livestock and poultry production.

  The second sentence: Reducing the amount of feed soybean meal requires both "saving money" and "increasing revenue".

In addition to soybean meal, there are also various resources such as grain processing by-products and microbial proteins, which can be mined and used as feed.

It is necessary to make full use of these resources, expand alternative sources of protein feed, and at the same time find ways to increase the supply of high-quality forage and promote "grass replacement" in cattle and sheep breeding.

  The third sentence: The reduction and replacement of feed soybean meal has achieved obvious results and must continue to be promoted.

Since the implementation of the action to reduce and replace feed soybean meal, by promoting "frugality" in the breeding production process, the proportion of soybean meal in the current feed formula has dropped to 13%, a decrease of 1.5 percentage points from 2022, calculated based on annual feed consumption , which is equivalent to reducing soybean consumption by about 9 million tons.

  Chen Bangxun said that in the next step, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will adhere to a problem-oriented approach, work from both supply and demand ends, and on the basis of consolidating and increasing soybean production capacity, work hard to reduce the amount of soybean meal feed, further improve the rate of low-protein diet technology in place, and develop Utilize other protein feed resources to increase the supply of high-quality forage and continue to promote grain conservation and consumption reduction in livestock and poultry breeding.