Teller Report

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Grain output in 2023 will hit a record high of 1,390.82 billion kilograms

1/23/2024, 2:46:31 AM

Highlights: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Grain output in 2023 will hit a record high of 1,390.82 billion kilograms. Deng Xiaogang: In the face of complex and severe domestic and international economic situations and frequent and repeated natural disasters, the agricultural and rural departments will go all out to overcome difficulties and solve problems. The momentum of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" has been further consolidated, providing strong support for the economic recovery and solid advancement of high-quality development.

  China News Service, January 23: The State Council Information Office held a press conference on January 23 to introduce the operation of agriculture and rural economy in 2023.

Deng Xiaogang, deputy minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, introduced at the meeting that grain output in 2023 will be 1,390.82 billion kilograms, an increase of 17.76 billion kilograms over the previous year, setting a new record high and stabilizing at more than 1.3 trillion kilograms for nine consecutive years.

  Deng Xiaogang said that in 2023, in the face of complex and severe domestic and international economic situations and frequent and repeated natural disasters, the agricultural and rural departments will go all out to overcome difficulties and solve problems, maintaining stable and positive agricultural and rural development and stable progress. The momentum of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" has been further consolidated, providing strong support for the economic recovery and solid advancement of high-quality development.

  First, grain production has achieved another bumper harvest, and the supply of important agricultural products has been effectively guaranteed.

Effectively overcoming the impact of disasters such as the rare "bad rain" in the Huanghuai River, severe local floods in North and Northeast China, and local drought in the Northwest, grain output in 2023 will be 1,390.82 billion jins, an increase of 17.76 billion jins over the previous year, setting a new record high and maintaining stability for nine consecutive years. More than 1.3 trillion catties.

The expansion of soybean oil crops has achieved remarkable results. The soybean area is 157 million acres, which has been stable at more than 150 million acres for two consecutive years. The output is 41.68 billion kilograms, a record high.

The planting area of ​​oil crops has reached 200 million acres.

Pig production capacity remained stable, with annual pork production reaching 57.94 million tons, an increase of 4.6% over the previous year.

At the same time, the production of beef, mutton, poultry, milk, and aquatic products has increased across the board, and the supply of vegetables and fruits is sufficient.

  Second, the achievements in poverty alleviation have continued to be consolidated and expanded, and the bottom line of preventing large-scale return to poverty has been maintained.

All localities have improved monitoring and assistance mechanisms to prevent people from returning to poverty, and strived to achieve early detection, early intervention, and early assistance. More than 60% of the monitored subjects have eliminated the risk of returning to poverty, and the rest have implemented assistance measures.

Focusing on industrial employment assistance, the central government has coordinated and promoted rural revitalization subsidy funds to account for 60% of industrial development, and poverty-stricken counties have cultivated a number of characteristic leading industries.

The total number of labor force lifted out of poverty throughout the year reached 33.969 million, exceeding the annual task target of 3.777 million.

  Third, technological and equipment support has been steadily enhanced, and the construction of modern agriculture has been solidly advanced.

86.11 million acres of high-standard farmland were built, renovated and upgraded, and 24.62 million acres of high-efficiency water-saving irrigation were built.

The seed industry revitalization action has achieved phased results. The largest nationwide census of agricultural germplasm resources in New China was completed. More than 530,000 new germplasm resources were collected. The pilot task of industrial application of genetically modified corn and soybeans was successfully completed.

Breakthroughs have been made in short-board agricultural machinery equipment. Short-board machinery such as 320-horsepower continuously variable speed tractors and mountain corn seeders have been mass-produced. Some machinery such as large-scale high-horsepower agricultural machinery and small agricultural machinery in hilly areas have initially achieved "good agricultural machinery use."

  Fourth, the pace of green agricultural development has accelerated, and the agricultural ecological environment continues to improve.

The application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides continues to be reduced and efficiency increased, and the comprehensive utilization rate of livestock and poultry manure, the comprehensive utilization rate of straw, and the disposal rate of agricultural film exceed 78%, 88%, and 80% respectively.

The ten-year ban on fishing in the Yangtze River has achieved important stage results. The resettlement guarantee for more than 230,000 fishermen who have retired from fishing has been fully covered. The management order of the closed waters has been generally stable. The aquatic biological resources and diversity of the Yangtze River have shown a good recovery trend.

Agricultural production and the "three products and one standard" of agricultural products have achieved new results. 15,000 green, organic and famous new agricultural products have been newly certified and registered. The overall pass rate of national agricultural product quality and safety monitoring has reached 97.8%.

  Fifth, the development momentum of rural industries is good, and farmers’ employment and income-increasing channels have been broadened.

The agricultural product processing industry has developed steadily, with more than 90,000 agricultural product processing enterprises above designated size.

Rural e-commerce is booming, with annual rural online retail sales reaching 2.49 trillion yuan.

The construction of modern agricultural parks has been upgraded, with 50 new national modern agricultural industrial parks, 40 advantageous and characteristic industrial clusters, 200 strong agricultural industry towns, and 100 agricultural modernization demonstration zones created.

The agricultural socialization service area exceeds 1.97 billion acres and serves more than 91 million small farmers.

Driven by industry and employment, farmers' income has continued to grow.

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the per capita disposable income of rural residents reached 21,691 yuan, an actual increase of 7.6% over the previous year.

  Sixth, sum up and promote the experience of the "Ten Million Project" to make the construction of livable, industrial and beautiful villages powerful and effective.

We will deepen the implementation of rural construction actions, focus on strengthening inclusive, basic and basic livelihood construction, and speed up the improvement of shortcomings in rural public infrastructure.

The rural living environment continues to improve. The penetration rate of sanitary toilets in rural areas nationwide exceeds 73%. The rural domestic sewage treatment (control) rate reaches more than 40%. The proportion of administrative villages where domestic waste is collected, transported and processed remains above 90%.

The efficiency of rural governance has been steadily improved. 100 national rural governance demonstration towns and 1,001 national rural governance demonstration villages have been newly recognized. The coverage of governance methods such as the list system and the points system has continued to expand.

Rural reform continues to deepen. The second round of land contract extension pilots will be extended for 30 years after the expiration of the second round, and the rural homestead system reform pilots are steadily advancing.