Teller Report

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Ensure that grain output remains above 1.3 trillion kilograms in 2024

1/23/2024, 5:37:17 AM

Highlights: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Ensure that grain output remains above 1.3 trillion kilograms in 2024. The measures taken focus on grasping "one foundation, two keys" The meteorological department predicts that the overall agricultural meteorological situation in my country will be deviated this year. The task of resisting disasters and achieving a bumper harvest in agriculture will still be very arduous. The Ministry of Agriculture will formulate disaster prevention plans and technical solutions for different regions and crops. It will speed up the construction of "plain and emergency" regional agricultural emergency disaster relief centers.

  China News Service, January 23: The State Council Information Office held a press conference to introduce the operation of agricultural and rural economies in 2023.

Pan Wenbo, director of the Planting Industry Management Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said at the meeting that the Central Rural Work Conference held at the end of last year clearly stated that it is necessary to ensure that grain output in 2024 remains above 1.3 trillion kilograms.

Focusing on this goal, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will insist on stabilizing the area and increasing the yield, ensuring the overall stability of the grain area, tapping the potential and expanding the area where conditions permit, making steady progress in output, and striving to increase output on the premise of optimizing the variety and quality structure. .

Specifically, it is "three stabilizations, one expansion, and one mention", which means stabilizing grain rations, stabilizing corn, and stabilizing soybeans, continuing to expand the area of ​​rapeseed, and focusing on increasing unit yields.

The measures taken focus on grasping "one foundation, two keys"

  "One basis" is the sown area.

On the one hand, to consolidate responsibilities, in accordance with the requirements of the State Council, this year we will continue to issue 2024 grain production targets and tasks to provincial people's governments, and work with relevant departments to strictly carry out provincial party committees and governments' implementation of farmland protection and food security responsibility system assessments.

On the other hand, increase support, implement the minimum purchase price of wheat and rice, corn and soybean producer subsidies and rice subsidies, increase support for grain yield improvement projects, and mobilize the enthusiasm of local governments to grasp grain and farmers to grow grain.

  "Two keys", one key is to increase the yield in large areas.

This is the number one project of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs to focus on grain production, focusing on two aspects: focusing on large counties, focusing on key grain and oil production counties, and integrating the system to promote leading varieties, main technologies, and main models to achieve the integration of the "three main" and comprehensively improve Yield level.

Focus on the main body, implement the action of increasing production of large-scale main bodies, cultivate a group of grain growing experts, demonstrate and drive small and medium-sized farmers to achieve high yields, and promote a balanced increase in production over a large area.

  Another key is disaster prevention, disaster relief, disaster relief and loss reduction.

Based on the idea of ​​"disaster reduction is to increase production, prevention is better than rescue", we should do a good job in agricultural disaster prevention, reduction and relief.

The meteorological department predicts that the overall agricultural meteorological situation in my country will be deviated this year, and the task of resisting disasters and achieving a bumper harvest in agriculture will still be very arduous.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will formulate disaster prevention plans and technical solutions for different regions and crops, speed up the construction of "plain and emergency" regional agricultural emergency disaster relief centers, make material reserves and technical preparations in advance, and implement defensive measures.

Carry out liaison guidance to cover the front lines of sinking and the provinces, organize and dispatch working groups and scientific and technological teams to the front lines of disasters to guide the implementation of disaster prevention, reduction and relief measures, and minimize disaster losses.