Teller Report

Hainan Free Trade Port will fully complete the construction of customs closure software and hardware this year

1/23/2024, 8:08:38 AM

Highlights: Hainan Free Trade Port will fully complete the construction of customs closure software and hardware this year. The design of 33 policies and systems was accelerated, and 20 of the 27 stress testing tasks were substantively carried out. The construction of the free trade port has pushed Hainan into the fast lane of development, with the province's GDP growing by 9.2% year-on-year in 2023. The total value of imported goods under the "zero tariff" policy is 19.57 billion yuan.

  China News Service, Haikou, January 23 (Reporter Wang Ziqian and Zhang Qianyi) Hainan Province Governor Liu Xiaoming delivered a government work report at the third session of the Seventh Hainan Provincial People's Congress on the 23rd. He said that this year Hainan plans to fully complete the construction of customs closure software and hardware, fully Conduct stress tests to maintain the bottom line of risk prevention and control and lay a decisive foundation for customs closure operations before the end of 2025.

  "Being prepared for customs closure operations is related to the implementation of major national strategies and the expectations of all walks of life for the free trade port." Liu Xiaoming introduced that in 2023, preparations for customs closure operations of Hainan Free Trade Port will be fully rolled out, and the main works of 31 customs closure projects will be basically completed. The design of 33 policies and systems was accelerated, and 20 of the 27 stress testing tasks were substantively carried out.

The total value of imported goods under the "zero tariff" policy is 19.57 billion yuan.

  Liu Xiaoming said that Hainan will implement the customs closure plan this year and promote the issuance of a series of supporting documents.

Implement stress testing projects on a rolling basis, expand application scenarios, expand test samples, and conduct comprehensive and full-process stress testing on policies and systems, customs closure facilities, system platforms, management capabilities, etc.

Clarify the management and operation mechanism and customs clearance business process of "second-tier ports", and build a supervision model that moves forward, moves later, and is intensive and convenient.

Carry out inspection and rectification of deficiencies in software and hardware projects for customs closure operations.

Special assessment of readiness for customs closure operations.

  He said that this year Hainan will promote the optimization of free trade port policies, promote the introduction of customs supervision measures, a catalog of imported taxable commodities, a list of prohibited and restricted goods and other core policies and systems for customs closure operations, and study and promote the corporate income tax and personal income tax policies of the free trade port. Optimize and promote the continuation of preferential policies such as exemption from corporate income tax for new overseas direct investment, one-time deduction for newly acquired assets or accelerated depreciation and amortization.

Go online and run a multi-functional free trade (electronic fence) account.

Strengthen the construction of the rule of law in foreign-related fields and improve foreign-related laws and regulations that are consistent with internationally accepted rules.

  In 2024, Hainan Free Trade Port will expand its high-level opening up to the outside world.

Accelerate the implementation of pilot tasks to align with international high-standard economic and trade rules, and further optimize trade liberalization and facilitation measures.

Accelerate the construction of digital bonded zones, promote the introduction of a new negative list for foreign investment access, and expand the global free trade zone (port) partnership program.

  The construction of the free trade port has pushed Hainan into the fast lane of development, with the province's GDP growing by 9.2% year-on-year in 2023.

Liu Xiaoming said that in 2023, the growth rate of Hainan's many economic indicators will rank among the best in the country. "This year, greater efforts will be made to promote economic recovery and the economic growth rate will remain among the best in the country." (End)