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China's top four economic provinces all have new breakthroughs

1/23/2024, 8:07:39 AM

Highlights: China's top four economic provinces all have new breakthroughs. Guangdong became the first province in the country to exceed 13 trillion yuan. Jiangsu becomes the province with the largest number of “trillion-dollar cities” Shandong's GDP exceeded 9 trillion for the first time Yuan. Zhejiang’s GDP jumped to a new level of 8 trillion forThe first time. China's top 4 economic provinces have all achieved remarkable new Breakthroughs in the past year.

  China News Service, January 23 (Reporter Li Jinlei) Guangdong became the first province in the country to exceed 13 trillion yuan; Jiangsu became the first province in the country to have five "trillion cities"; Shandong's GDP exceeded 9 trillion for the first time Yuan; Zhejiang’s GDP jumped to a new level of 8 trillion for the first time.

  China's top four economic provinces have all achieved remarkable new breakthroughs in the past year.

  Data map.

Cartography by Zhang Jianyuan

Guangdong’s GDP exceeds 13 trillion yuan

  The Guangdong government work report shows that Guangdong's GDP will reach 13.57 trillion yuan in 2023, an increase of 4.8%. It is the first province in the country to exceed 13 trillion yuan, and the total has ranked first in the country for 35 consecutive years.

  GDP of 13.57 trillion yuan, what is this concept?

  Sino-Singapore Finance checked the GDP data released by the World Bank and found that 13.57 trillion yuan exceeded the GDP of South Korea and Australia.

  To put it figuratively, the GDP of a province in Guangdong is comparable to the GDP of a country such as South Korea or Australia.

As China's largest economic province, Guangdong's economic strength is evident.

  As a major foreign trade province, Guangdong is inevitably affected by the world economic downturn. However, Guangdong's imports and exports have withstood the pressure and achieved positive growth against the trend. Last year, Guangdong's foreign trade imports and exports totaled 8.3 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 0.3%. Guangdong accounted for the nation's The proportion rebounded from the low of 17.6% at the beginning of the year to 19.9% ​​for the whole year, continuing to rank first in the country's foreign trade province.

  There are many things to note about Guangdong’s economic report card——

  Guangzhou’s total economic output exceeded 3 trillion yuan;

  Shenzhen has become the second trillion-yuan consumer city in Guangdong;

  Foshan has become the second city in Guangdong with a total industrial output value above designated size exceeding 3 trillion yuan.

  In 2024, Guangdong has put forward an expected GDP growth target of 5%. Guangdong, which has reached a new level, will continue to work hard to shoulder the responsibility of "a major economic province that must really take the lead."

  Data map: Changzhou’s new energy vehicle industry is booming.

Photo by China News Service reporter Tang Juan

Jiangsu becomes the province with the largest number of “trillion-dollar cities”

  As the second largest economic province following Guangdong, Jiangsu has also delivered a promising answer.

  The Jiangsu government work report shows that the province's GDP reached 12.82 trillion yuan last year, a year-on-year increase of 5.8%, 0.6 percentage points higher than the national level, and the number of "trillion cities" with regional GDP increased to five.

  These five "trillion cities" are Suzhou, Nanjing, Wuxi, Nantong and Changzhou.

Among them, Changzhou is the latest to advance.

This "new energy capital" with a butterfly-like geographical layout will have a GDP exceeding one trillion yuan in 2023, making Jiangsu the province with the most "trillion cities" in the country.

  Changzhou’s promotion is largely due to its new energy industry.

In 2023, the output value of Changzhou's new energy industry will reach about 750 billion yuan, accounting for nearly one-third of the city's industrial output value. The output of new energy vehicles will be nearly 680,000 units, and investment enthusiasm ranks first in the country.

  Today's "Su Daqiang" has a GDP only one step away from the 13 trillion mark.

Jiangsu has set an expected goal of economic growth of more than 5% in 2024. If successfully achieved, Jiangsu will also enter the 13 trillion yuan club.

  Information map of West Port District of Yantai Port.

Photo by Hao Guangliang issued by China News Service

Shandong’s GDP exceeded 9 trillion yuan for the first time

  As the third largest economic province, Shandong's GDP exceeded 9 trillion yuan for the first time in 2023, and it has also reached a new level.

  Data show that Shandong's GDP in 2023 will be 9.2069 billion yuan, an increase of 6.0% over the previous year at constant prices.

  Shandong's GDP growth exceeded the expected growth target of more than 5% set at the beginning of the year and was also 0.8 percentage points higher than the national average.

  At the same time, Shandong's "Trillion City" has also ushered in new developments, with Yantai becoming Shandong's third trillion-level city.

So far, Shandong has three "trillion cities" of Jinan, Qingdao and Yantai.

  This achievement was achieved thanks to Shandong’s active exploration in converting old and new driving forces.

Shandong takes the upgrading of traditional industries and the development of emerging industries as its starting point to vigorously promote the conversion of old and new driving forces and accelerate the pace of industrial structure adjustment.

In 2023, Shandong's "four new" economic investments will grow by 11.1%, accounting for more than 57%.

  In 2024, Shandong has put forward the expected goal of economic growth of more than 5%. Shandong, which continues to stimulate new momentum, is eager for greater breakthroughs in the New Year.

  Data map: Zhejiang private new energy vehicle companies are booming in production and sales.

Photo by China News Service reporter Wang Gang

Zhejiang’s GDP exceeded 8 trillion yuan for the first time

  The Zhejiang government work report shows that in 2023, Zhejiang's GDP will grow by 6%, and GDP will jump to a new level of 8 trillion for the first time.

  The private economy is the characteristic and advantage of Zhejiang Province. In the past year, Zhejiang has polished the golden business card of the private economy even more brightly.

  Data from the Zhejiang Bureau of Statistics show that the number of business entities in Zhejiang exceeds 10 million.

As of the end of 2023, the number of registered business entities reached 10.34 million, an increase of 9.6% from the end of the previous year, including 10.01 million private enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households.

  Among them, the number of private enterprises with import and export performance exceeded 100,000 for the first time, with a total import and export of 3.93 trillion yuan, an increase of 7.1%, accounting for more than 80% of the province's import and export for the first time, driving the province's import and export growth by 5.6 percentage points.

This has helped Zhejiang rank third, second and fifth in the country in terms of import and export of goods, export and import scale respectively.

  In 2024, Zhejiang has proposed an expected GDP growth target of about 5.5%, which is higher than Guangdong, Jiangsu and Shandong.

  The new breakthroughs made by China's top four major economic provinces are not accidental, but the result of their long-term efforts to drive innovation, optimize industrial structure, and deepen reform.

Behind these breakthroughs is also an important manifestation of China's economic resilience and vitality.
